Three zodiac signs will experience difficulties in their relationships the week of December 16 – 22, 2024, starting with the Sagittarius Sun squaring Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, December 18.
Neptune was recently stationed direct on December 7th, so its energy will be felt especially strongly when it aligns with the Sagittarius Sun, making you painfully aware of the illusions you’ve been living with. This may involve karma for your past decisions or reveal a blunt truth that you have tried to ignore. However, that’s just the stage for one of December’s most challenging aspects: the square between retrograde Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces.
Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini will square off with Saturn in Pisces beginning Friday, December 20th and lasting through Sunday, December 29th. This is a particularly long transit that shows you where you have been unrealistically optimistic about your life and instead delivers the reality you’ve been trying to ignore – or hope wouldn’t catch up with you. While this brings challenges with arguments or breakups, it can also really feel like it’s crushing the dreams you want to believe in.
There is an opportunity for growth here, especially around themes like privacy and responsibility – but that’s something you have to do yourself.
At the end of the week, the Last Quarter Moon in Libra will rise on Sunday, December 22, again emphasizing themes of justice and moral integrity and encouraging you to let go of behaviors or beliefs that are not aligned with your highest self.
You may finally realize the truth about yourself or a relationship, ultimately providing a significant breaking point. This is made more significant that this is the last major lunar phase in Libra, where the South Node is, before it moves into Virgo on January 29, 2025.
The South Node is the site of your karmic lessons, and with the previous eclipse cycle in Aries and Libra, it has been a major focus for the past two years. However, the universe is reminding you that you are not meant to bring the past into the new year, so this may finally be the week to see the truth and face the reality of yourself and your relationship.
Three zodiac signs overcome difficulties in their relationships from December 16 to 22, 2024:
1. The Virgin
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A crisis is always an opportunity for growth, Virgo, but that doesn’t mean your relationship is always meant to last. You’re at a crossroads in your relationship, and even though everything has been going well so far, it seems like you’ve been unhappy about something. This has made your relationship seem good on the surface, but to keep it you need to keep quiet about what’s bothering you.
But now this question can no longer be ignored or silenced by comfort. Instead, you need to finally face the truth about the problem in your relationship to determine if this is a connection that will help you become your best self.
On Wednesday, December 17, the Sagittarius Sun will enter Neptune in Pisces, creating tension in your relationship and a threat of separation. Neptune was recently stationed direct in Pisces on December 7th, so its energy will be felt more intensely in your romantic relationship, allowing you to see where you may have operated out of an illusion that everything was okay rather than the reality that it wasn’t . .
When the Sagittarius Sun, ruler of your home and family, aligns with Neptune in Pisces, there will be a tense moment or argument where you can no longer keep quiet and hope for the best.
Try to be proactive in your conversations and how you raise issues, but be mindful of being completely honest. If you ever find yourself choosing between having the perfect relationship or one that you can really be honest about, you should already know what to do.
2. Sagittarius
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If you really want the relationship and life you’ve been dreaming of, Sagittarius, you need to become more responsible. You have been going through strong themes involving karmic lessons and separations over the past year.
You could have really committed to the love of your life and started a new chapter together. Have you made different choices? Do you ever run away from taking responsibility for your actions?
You cannot run away from taking responsibility, not only with your choices, but with the heart of the one who loves you. While you have tried to spin a different story about what has happened, it seems that it will finally fall apart when you realize what you have really done and the reality that there may be no coming back from it.
Friday, December 20 at retrograde Jupiter in Gemini will align with Saturn in Pisces, drawing a harsh moment of reality in your choices and what you are left with as consequences. This aspect will last from December 20th to Sunday December 29th, which means the holiday season could be more challenging and you may find yourself alone.
The only way to turn this around is to be honest about your actions and why. Use this self-awareness to approach your partner for a truly transparent conversation where you are ready to take responsibility and become the person who can handle a long-term relationship. Otherwise, they can move on faster than you think.
3. Aries
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Not all endings are sad, Aries, especially when it’s part of your healing journey. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t have feelings or need to process what you’ve been through over the past year. Whether you want to finalize a separation or have that much-needed break-up conversation, a part of you has already moved on.
But more importantly, your heart doesn’t have it. You can’t continue to regret your past decisions and still think you can move on because all you will do is ruin a potential new relationship, which you may have already experienced. As a fire sign and the first of the zodiac, it’s no surprise that you like to rush forward into new beginnings, but you can’t rush your healing, Aries.
On Sunday, December 22nd, the Last Quarter Moon in Libra rises in your house of relationships, giving you the closure and healing you need to go through before officially starting a new relationship. This can lead to the finality of the separation or the conversation about ending your relationship, even though you probably had hoped to postpone both until the new year.
But instead of rushing into something new or wallowing in your regrets, try to give yourself time to process everything. Be gentle with yourself, journal and reflect on what this period was meant to teach you to truly learn to be the partner in the relationship you hope to have.
Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life advisor, and custom retreat counselor.