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My wife’s addiction to filler is soon going to make her unrecognisable

DEAR DEIDRE: IF my wife puts any more filler in her face, I’m not going to recognise her.

Her friendship group all do the same and if I’m honest they have started to look really odd.

Although I see hundreds of pounds disappearing from our account whenever she goes to the beautician, she never gives a straight answer about what she’s spent our money on.

I’m 47 and she’s 46.

Apart from the obscene cost, I really don’t like how all this treatment makes her look, and I preferred her face before all of this.

How do I tell her? Or should I just put up with it if it’s making her happy?

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DEIDRE SAYS: Let your wife know you love her natural looks and are concerned they are disappearing every time she gets treatment.

Talk to her about cutting back to save money, but also because you miss the face she was born with.

Communicate with her and ensure she feels attractive – this will help improve her self-esteem.



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