The traditional peace candle in Vienna can be picked up again in 2024 from the Red Cross or the professional fire department. There is also a collection point at the Vienna Central Cemetery. Here are all the addresses at a glance.
Since 1986, the ORF Peace Light has been passed from hand to hand all over Austria. We have an overview of where to pick up the peace symbol for free in Vienna on December 24th. People who want to take the Light of Peace are asked to bring their own lantern.
Collect the Peace Light 2024 at the Vienna Professional Fire Department
The peace candle can be collected on December 24, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Fire Service Museum and at all main fire stations in Vienna.
The list of fire stations from which the Light of Peace can be retrieved in 2024:
- Zentralfeuerwache/Feuerwehrmuseum, Am Hof 7, 1010 Vienna
- Wache Rathaus, Lichtenfelsgasse 2, 1010 Vienna
- Hauptfeuerwache Leopoldstadt, Vorgartenstraße 223C, 1020 Vienna
- Hauptfeuerwache Mariahilf, Gumpendorfer Gürtel 2, 1060 Vienna
- Wache AKH, Währinger Gürtel 18 – 20, 1090 Vienna
- Hauptfeuerwache Favoriten, Sonnwendgasse 14, 1100 Vienna
- Hauptfeuerwache Hernals, Johann Nepomuk-Berger-Platz 12, 1170 Vienna
- Hauptfeuerwache Döbling, Würthgasse 5 – 9, 1190 Vienna
- Hauptfeuerwache Floridsdorf, Josef Brazdovics-Straße 4, 1210 Vienna
- Hauptfeuerwache Donaustadt, Erzherzog Karl-Straße 170, 1220 Vienna
- Hauptfeuerwache Liesing, Siebenhirtenstraße 8 – 10, 1230 Vienna
Collection of the Peace Light 2024 at the Red Cross in Vienna
The Peace Candle can also be picked up at two Red Cross locations in Vienna on December 24, 2024.
- from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Wiedner Hauptstrasse 32, 1040 Vienna (Beschilderung weist den Weg zum ORF-Friedenslicht ins Blutspendercafé)
- from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.: Nottendorfer Gasse 21, Erdgeschoss, 1030 Wien (Eingang im Erdgeschos benutzen, Beschilderung weist den Weg zum ORF- Friedenslicht)
Peace Light Action at the Vienna Central Cemetery
On Christmas Eve, there is also a collection point for the Light of Peace at the Vienna Central Cemetery in the cemetery shop (Gate 2). Collection is possible between 8.30 and 12.00 and you must bring your own light and lantern.
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