free website hit counter Hit maker Richard Perry to | MOPO – Netvamo

Hit maker Richard Perry to | MOPO

Rod Stewart, Barbra Streisand and Ringo Starr: Er arbeidte mit den ganz Großen im Musikgeschäft. Bekannt war er auch als Lebensgefährte von Jane Fonda.

American music producer Richard Perry, where with stars like Rod Stewart, Barbra Streisand and Diana Ross equipment, is everything. Er starb am Dienstag (Ortszeit) in Los Angeles im Alter von 82 Jahren, wie mehrere US-Medien überinstimmend unter Berufung auf seinen Assistant Ben McCarthy and die Schauspielerin Daphna Kastner berichteten. Kastner was according to eigen Angaben eine enge Bekannte Perry. The manufacturer died of cardiac arrest in the hospital.

Bekannt war Perry also as former life partner of the actress and activist Jane Fonda (87). Das Paar had separated in 2017.

Richard Perry: These Hits have been produced

In the 1970s Perry worked together with Barbra Streisand, Carly Simon and Art Garfunkel. The Nummer-eins-hit “You’re So Vain”, from the songwriter in Carly Simon in 1972, has 100 years ago, since before, the “New York Times” quoted Simon from an interview with the Zeitschrift “Uncut”.

Er produitte auch Rod Stewart’s “The Great American Songbook” Series and Alben von Ringo Starr – and that is an obvious title for “Ringo”, and the other Beatles mitarbeiten.

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In 1978 Perry started his own company Label Planet Records, which is sold by RCA Records. Auf Planet Records created the second album “Energy” by the Pointer Sisters.

Später arbeidte er zum Beispiel with Diana Ross put together an album “Baby It’s Me” from 1977. Perry, from Brooklyn in New York stammte, was auch selbst Musiker. (dpa)

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