Legende des Soul
American musician Sam Moore gestorben
Im Duo with David Prater marked the history of soul music in the 60s as Sam & Dave. Now Sam Moore at the age of 89 is the manager.
The American Soul Singer Sam Moore is here. Entsprechende Medienberichte confirmed the British Agent auf Anfrage der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Nach einer Operation sei es zu Complicationen gekommen, teilte sein Sprecher Jeremy Westby mit. Moore, who belonged to the most influential musician in the history of the soul, was 89 years old.
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Moore was regarded as the most influential voice of his generation. You inspired stars like Michael Jackson, Al Green and Bruce Springsteen. The peak of his career was experienced by Moore, who was born in Miami in 1935, together with Dave Prater in the 60s. They both celebrated as Duo Sam & Dave Erfolge with Songs like “You Don’t Know Like I Know” and “Soul Man”. Moore sang the Tenor, Prater the Bass. The two were inducted in 1992 into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The song «Soul Man» was released even though it was part of the Blues Brothers.
Duo Sam & Dave zerstritt sich nach Trennung
After the breakup of the Duos in 1970, neither Prater nor Moore could connect to earlier successes. Moore überwarf sich mit Pater und verklagte ihn, weil er mit einem anderen Sänger als New Sam & Dave durch die USA tourte. Prater starb bereits 1988 bei einem Autounfall. Zeitweise litt Moore unter Heroin-Abhängigkeit. Seine Frau Joyce, who is 1982 heiratete, half ihm, davon loszukommen, wie das Paar der CNN einmal erzählte.
In 2017, you attended the inauguration of US President Donald Trump. Since his predecessor Barack Obama used the song “Hold On, I’m Coming” at the election campaign, Moore, on the other hand, caused a public distancing from the Democrats.
Moore leaves behind his Frau Joyce, eine Tochter and zwei Enkel.
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