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NAMM 2025: Viscount Legend One, Organ / Stage Keyboard

Leichtgewichtiges Bühneninstrument

15 January 2025

Viscount Legend One Organ Stage Keyboard

At NAMM 2025, the Viscount Legend One will be shown and heard for the first time. This description is an “ultimate all-in-one portable keyboard”, which is a classic Zugriele organ that also sounds like a tasting instrument.

Viscount Legend One – Organ + Stage Keyboard

Noch gibt es kein kompletes Bild von Legend One zu sehen. It is a teaser video and a teaser video that has been sent out the information reichen already for an ersten Eindruck.

The Legend One is a keyboard with a 61er Waterfall Keyboard, which is a compact Performance-Instrument für die Bühne gedacht ist. Die Klangerzeugung is based on the Engine of the zweimanualigen Orgel Legend Soul, which produces various Tone Wheel, Transistor and Pipe Organs.


Bei Legend One comes with Sound 1, Sound 2 and Pedals drei weitere Sectionen dazu. Damit stehen auch Acoustic and Electric Pianos, Synths, Strings and viele weitere Klänge zur Verfügung. The Pedals section can be used either as a sound that provides organ models or can use its own model. Mit den Zugrigeln der Orgel lassen sich auch Parameter wie Cutoff, Resonanz und Hüllkurve einstellen.

Suitable for the organ, a section with vibrato and chorus is integrated. Excellent are two Insert-FX, a dediziertes Reverb so a Master-FX and a Master-EQ for Klanggestaltung.

The keyboard is not available for audio playback, USB and MIDI with connections for more pedals. Die Pedals-Sektion der Klangerzeugung has its own MIDI device for a Control-Pedal which is its own Audioausgang. Additionally, an 11-pin connection for a Rotary Speaker is available.

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More information

Es wird zwei Modelle geben: Legend One 61 ist für Musiker gedacht, die ihr Hauptaugenmerk auf die Orgel legen. Here there is a typical Waterfall Keyboard and the Keyboard weighs only 10 kg. Die Variante Legend One 73 has a waterfall keyboard and a weight of 11.5 kg.

Weitere Angaben zu Viscount Legend One should be published soon. Dann erfahren wir auch, wann das Keyboard available sein och wie viel es kosten wird.

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