“A Christmas in New Hope” is a Liebes film from the USA with Katrina Bowden, Ryan Cooper and Adrianne Palicki. Erfahren Sie mehr über Veröffentlichkeit, Cast and Film-Crew.
Das müssen Sie zum Film “A Christmas in new hope” wissen:
Publication: 21.12.2024
Duration: 1 hour and 34 minutes
Genres: Liebesfilm, comedy, TV movie
“A Christmas in New Hope” Cast: Wer spielt wen?
Die Hauptdarsteller:innen are Katrina Bowden as Victoria, Ryan Cooper as Gavin Gardner and Adrianne Palicki as Shannon. To more actors Actors Stephanie Kurtzuba, Malcolm Goodwin, Julia Barnett, Farah White, Mia Analise Armstrong, Yolonda Williams and David Anders.
Wer gehört noch zur Crew of “A Christmas in New Hope”?
The production companies that produced Streifens in the US were Rolling Reels Productions, Thriller Films and Vision Vehicle Productions. manufacturer:innen des Films are Julia Barnett, Malcolm Goodwin, Vanessa Goodwin, Mindy Raymond and Victor Hawks. Die Inszenierung entstand unter der Direction by Julia Barnett. Das screenplay for the film Kathleen Estes, Victor Hawks and Julia Barnett have written.
Release term for “A Christmas in New Hope”
“A Christmas in New Hope” will be published on Saturday, 21.12.2024. The running time is 1 hour and 34 minutes.
Tips for movie fans: 5 best movies with “A Christmas in New Hope”
Sie haben diesen Film bereits geschaut und wünschen sich Filmempfehlungen, die ännlich zu “A Christmas in New Hope” sind? Basierend auf den genres and the verknüpften Schlagworten können wir Ihnen ausoorten the followinge Filme empfehlen:
Movie title | Bewertung | Genres |
Christmas Staycation | 9.5 | Comedy, Family |
Trans-Siberian Orchestra: The Ghosts of Christmas Eve | 9 | Fantasy, Music, TV Movie |
Kevin – Allein zu Haus | 7.4 | Comedy, Family |
Tatsächlich… Liebe | 7.1 | Comedy, Love movie, Drama |
Wild at heart | 7 | Crime, Thriller, Liebesfilm |
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