Archana Gautam, known for her stint on Bigg Boss 16, has made a mark in the world of reality shows. She is currently part of the cooking-based reality show, Celebrity MasterChef, where celebrities showcase their culinary skills under the guidance of judges Vikas Khanna, Ranveer Brar, and Farah Khan.
Recently, while filming an episode, Archana reportedly injured herself on the set. A mishap in the kitchen led to what appeared to be a probable burn injury on her index finger. She was seen heading to her vanity van with her finger covered in cream, presumably as first aid. Despite the incident, Archana managed to greet the paparazzi and maintained her composure. She even remarked, “Main isse zyada seedhi khadi nahi ho sakti,” hinting at her discomfort while continuing with her duties.
The show has been a challenging yet exciting journey for its participants, and Archana’s dedication is evident in her continued efforts despite the injury. Fans have taken to social media to express their concern and wish her a speedy recovery.
As the competition heats up on Celebrity MasterChef, participants are pushing their limits to impress the judges and showcase their culinary prowess. Archana’s determination to persevere through this setback reflects her commitment to the show and her work.
Here’s hoping she recovers soon and continues to entertain her fans with her presence on the show.