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Horrifying crimes of crack addict Met cop who let men rape his drugged wife before she died in mysterious circumstances

ONLY ten mourners were present at former Met Police detective inspector Warren Arter’s funeral last month as he carried to the grave the true scale of his depravity.

Those secrets include the full circumstances surrounding the death of his wife Rebekah.

a man taking a selfie in front of a door
Disgraced Met Police officer, Warren Arter, carried dark secrets to his grave after a life of coercion, abuse, and scandal[/caption]
a man and a woman are posing for a picture with the crop button in the corner
Arter and Rebekah married in Las Vegas in 2016, these photographs obtained by The Sun show the happy couple at their quirky wedding before they flew on to Jamaica[/caption]
a man in a suit is typing on a dell computer
Arter led a rape squad in South East London, that was commended in 2009 for top results, and he was promoted to detective inspector in 2015

The Sun can today reveal how ­Rebekah was found dead in a blood-drenched hotel room in Barbados a fortnight before Arter’s suspected ­suicide in prison in July this year.

Her well-attended funeral took place at the same crematorium ­immediately after the lonely service for Arter, 54.

At the time of her death, hairdressing tutor Rebekah, 47, was under the control of Arter, with both of them addicted to crack cocaine, say friends.

It is claimed he forced ­Rebekah to have sex with other men at swinging parties and she was raped while unconscious after being drugged by the ex-Met cop.

Allegations of coercive control were being investigated by police against Arter when he and Rebekah died.

Rebekah’s body was “found” by Arter on their bed at the luxury O2 Beach Club and Spa hotel in June.

The sheets and hotel room ­carpet were covered in blood. There were no signs of any visible injuries and local police ruled out foul play.

However, friends believe the cause of Rebekah’s death stemmed from a lifestyle to which she was enslaved by Arter.

An initial post-mortem on the ­Caribbean island found cocaine in Rebekah’s liver.

It is said to have concluded she died from a massive haemorrhage of the lungs caused by a viral infection such as pneumonia.

Conflicting accounts

An inquest into her death was opened at South London ­Coroner’s Court last month.

It will resume later when the exact cause of death will be determined and Arter’s ­conduct is likely to be examined in detail.

Arter, who spent more than £3,000 on Rebekah’s credit card in Barbados in the days after her death, is said to have provided conflicting accounts of when he found her body.

Had Arter been charged and convicted of misconduct earlier, it is likely he would have been jailed and Rebekah would still be alive.

Inside source

 In one version he claimed they had been sunbathing and returned to the room, then he woke two hours later to find her dead.

 While in another he said they went for dinner the previous night and he had slept for 18 hours before discovering her body.

The ex-detective hit headlines last year when he was sacked for gross misconduct following an extraordinary disciplinary tribunal which heard about his drug abuse and orgies.

Two years previously, another Met cop, firearms officer Wayne Couzens, kidnapped raped and murdered Sarah Everard in a high-profile case that led to an independent review into the force’s culture and behaviour, carried out by Baroness Casey.

Published last year, her inquiry report concluded the Met was institutionally racist, homophobic and sexist.

Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has instigated a purge of rotten apples in his force.

He says there are hundreds of bent cops, bullies and sexists who need to be removed from the profession.

A trawl of police databases in 2022 found 161 officers with previous convictions, including three for sex offences.

Arter spent almost seven years ­suspended on full pay, raking in around £400,000, before his gross misconduct hearing, where questions were asked about why he had never faced criminal charges for ­misconduct.

One source said: “Had Arter been charged and convicted of misconduct earlier, it is likely he would have been jailed and Rebekah would still be alive.

Taking ­control of her life and ­effectively forcing her into a de­bauch­ed lifestyle cost Rebekah her life.”

Three days after Rebekah was found dead, Arter took an overdose.

He was taken to a Barbados ­hospital and survived the apparent suicide attempt.

Arter was comforted by Rebekah’s brother and sister, who flew to the island then accompanied him back to the UK.

 But to their shock, Arter was arr­est­ed on arrival at Heathrow by Met Police officers over ­allegations of ­serious offences, including rape.

He was charged with misconduct in public office over a 13-year span.

 Arter was alleged to have had “inappropriate contact with a victim of crime” who has not been ­identified, but was not Rebekah.

He appeared at Westminster ­Magistrates’ Court on July 10 and was remanded in custody to appear at Woolwich Crown Court in August.

 But he was found dead in his cell at HMP Wandsworth two days later.

In his cell was a note to his disting­uished father Anthony, a former Met Police officer turned solicitor who was awarded a CBE for his work and charity fundraising.

a man and woman kissing in front of a sign that says made in heaven
The wheels came off for Arter when the pair arrived back from their honeymoon, as Met anti-corruption officers were waiting at his home[/caption]
an aerial view of a beach with a large building in the background
The O2 Beach Club, Barbados, where Rebekah’s body was found in blood-soaked room
a large brick building with a sign that says no parking
HMP Wandsworth where Arter was found dead[/caption]

The Sun can also reveal that as well as misconduct, Arter was arrest­ed at Heathrow over allegations of coercive control over Rebekah, made by one of her relatives.

He was also arrested for rape and sexual assault claims made by another woman. Arter was further held over allegations of voyeurism, sending malicious communications and blackmail.

He was “bailed” on those claims.

 The allegations, investigated by South London detectives in conjunction with the Met’s professional standards department, are now likely to remain out of the public domain.

Detectives are providing assistance to the coroner for a full inquest into Rebekah’s death, though not investigating it.

Rebekah’s fate was sealed in 2007 when she reported a com­plaint of domestic violence to police and Arter was assigned as the ­investigator.

At the time, Arter was a det­ective sergeant working on a community safety unit.

Arter began a relationship with Rebekah, which was part of a pattern of inappropriate romantic liaisons he had with vulnerable victims.

Six months after meeting Rebekah, he mov­ed into the home she shared with her young son Elliot in Welling, South London.

Soon afterwards, Arter ran a specialist Sapphire rape squad covering the borough of Bexley, South East London.

In 2009 his team were commended for having the best results in London, and in 2015 he was promoted to detective inspector.

But the detective with clean-cut looks was a sexual predator preying on ­victims who had placed their trust in the police.

It was later alleged Arter failed to ensure investigations were properly conducted into crimes against those victims he had affairs with.

Arter also spoke scathingly about the women in front of other ­Sapphire officers, multiple witnesses told investigators.

 And unbeknown to his superiors, he was regularly using cocaine and attending wild sex parties.

He and Rebekah married in Las Vegas in 2016. Photographs obtained by The Sun show the happy couple at their quirky wedding before they flew on to Jamaica.

 But the wheels came off for Arter when the pair arrived back from their honeymoon, as Met anti-corruption officers were waiting at his home.

They had been investigating him after an anonymous call to Crimestoppers alleged he was having affairs with rape victims.

An examination of his devices revealed he had searched for places to buy cocaine and ecstasy while in Las Vegas and Jamaica and call records established he had regularly visited a known drug haunt.

Skimpy PVC top

Arter was suspended from duty and over the next two years became ­further entrenched in the world of drugs and kinky sex.

 Friends say he would stay out all night, sleeping ­during the day and having frequent nose bleeds from drug abuse.

Rebekah’s life also began to unravel under Arter’s influence. One source said: “She was also doing cocaine and was under his complete control.

He forced her to wear revealing clothing and stilettos with the high­est heels. She was not the woman she was when she met Warren.”

The Independent Office for Police Conduct took over the investigation into Arter and in 2018 he was arrested again on suspicion of supplying drugs and corrupt use of police powers.

Traces of cocaine were found on digital scales and plastic bags that were at his home.

 Around 3,000 messages were found on his phone, many relating to swinging activities.

In one message there was a description of a woman having sex with a man for crack cocaine.

In June 2020, a file on the drug offences was sent by the watchdog to the CPS which concluded three months later that there was insufficient evidence to charge him.

Arter remained suspended by the Met until he was finally sacked last year by the gross misconduct panel.

 By then, he and Rebekah had piled up debts, she had remortgaged her home and sold another property she owned.

It apparently seemed like a murder scene with blood everywhere. But Bajan police were content she died from natural causes.

Inside source

The expenditure was perhaps explained by the crack pipes and needles found at their home.

Flush with Arter’s six-figure pension lump sum, which he was able to claim as he had escaped criminal proceedings, the couple flew to Barbados in June this year.

But nine days later Arter found Rebekah dead in their hotel room, wearing a skimpy PVC top, while blood covered the sheets and carpet.

One source said: “It apparently seemed like a murder scene with blood everywhere.

But Bajan police were content she died from natural causes.”

 By the time ­Rebekah’s body was repatriated to the UK Arter was also dead.

A disturbing postscript paints “D.I. Depravity” in an even more appalling light.

Photographs were found in their house showing Rebekah having sex with men while looking glassy-eyed.

According to the source, police have also been told Arter sent a video to a friend showing Rebekah having sex with a man while she was apparently unconscious.

And work colleagues of Rebekah’s also reported she showed signs of bruising in the months leading up to her death, it is claimed.

She and Arter were cremated, one after the other, on September 2, ­leaving mourners for Rebekah to reflect on the life she might have had if she had never met Arter.

a bald man with a beard is wearing a grey shirt
Two years previously, another Met cop, firearms officer Wayne Couzens, kidnapped raped and murdered Sarah Everard in a high-profile case that led to an independent review into the force
a man wearing glasses and a hat with the letter h on it
Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has instigated a purge of rotten apples in his force[/caption]

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Stress can double the chances of a person’s hair going grey before 30, study reveals

STRESS can more than double the chances of going grey before 30, a study says.

Anxiety and depression appear to interfere with the follicles more than other factors including smoking, diet and exercise.

a man in a suit stands in front of a sign that says 81
A study has found stress can more than double the chances of going grey before 30, pictured silver fox George Clooney

Figures suggest half of us go grey by 50 but millions start the transition to silver fox, like screen idol George Clooney, years or even decades earlier.

The study says the reasons are not clear but the stress hormone cortisol or mental health medications can cause damaging scalp inflammation.

A King Saud University team in Saudi Arabia compared rates of greying among 1,193 people aged 18 to 29.

Half had found at least one grey hair in their 20s.

One in eight reckoned they had more than 100.

Anxiety increased chances 2.24 times and depression by 2.56.

Family history of it was the biggest factor.

Smoking almost doubled the risk but good diet cut it by 32 per cent.

Study author Turki Albinhar said: “Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, a balanced diet, and managing stress can help mitigate risk.”     

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Tom Hardy insists on having lavender diffusers in his trailer as details of extraordinary 27-item rider list revealed

SCREEN tough guy Tom Hardy insists on having a lavender diffuser in his movie trailer to help him relax.

Other “must haves” include strawberry ice cream vapes, M&S low alcohol Czech lager and Molton Brown peppercorn shower gel.

a man sits in a lotus position on a yoga mat next to an essential oil diffuser
Our mock up of what Tom Hardy and his lavender diffuser might look like
a list of items from tom hardy 's diva list

He also insists on a weekly IV treatment with a mixture of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

The 47-year-old Brit — who has played Mad Max, a Spitfire pilot, a Peaky Blinders gangster and Batman baddie Bane — is equally adamant that his French bulldog Blue has a range of treats, a bed and “duck dishes”.

In all, his backstage “rider” lists 27 demands.

It was meant to be sent to producer Peter Heslop ahead of a new movie.

But instead the email went to namesake Pete Heslop, a 31-year-old IT worker from London.

Pete said that, despite repeatedly pointing out the errors, he has received 50 over five years — one about actor Idris Elba, and even messages from the producer’s wife.

The Sun contacted Hardy’s team for comment.

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Three extra rescue boats costing £250k hired to tackle surge in migrants crossing the Channel

THREE extra rescue boats have been hired to tackle a surge in migrants trying to cross the Channel.

The 25ft vessels, which will support others on patrol, are costing the Home Office more than £250,000 to hire.

a group of people are in a boat which says yamaha on the side
Extra rescue boats have been hired by the Home Office to be ready to rescue migrants in difficulty crossing the Channel

They can carry 20 people as well as crew and have at least six life jackets for migrants that are in the water, contract details reveal.

They were due to be available last month and be in service until the beginning of December.

The hires emerged as nearly 1,000 — the highest daily figure for two years — made the crossing on Saturday.

On the same day four people died while attempting to cross the Channel – including a two-year-old boy who was “trampled to death“.

So far this year, there have been 26,612 arrivals, including 13,038 since Labour came to power, as well as 52 deaths in the Channel.

The hired boats — rigid-hulled inflatables — are going on patrol between Eastbourne, Dieppe, Ostend and Margate.

The contract states: “While migrant rescue vessels will continue to have the main role in the rescuing of migrants, the RHIBs will play a supporting role.”

The Home Office said: “We all want to end dangerous small boat crossings, which threaten lives and undermine our border security.”

backlog of asylum cases means almost 225,000 migrants are waiting on initial decisions, appeals, or pending removal from the UK.

Ballooning migration has fuelled the fastest rise in Britain’s population for more than five decades.

Total UK residents hit 68,265,200 in June last year after an extra 662,400 people were absorbed in the previous 12 months.

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تفاصيل مرور 25 دقيقة من مباراة مصر وموريتانيا

تفاصيل مرور 25 دقيقة من مباراة مصر وموريتانيا، بعد25 دقيقة مرت على مباراة منتخب مصر أمام موريتانيا، لا يزال التعادل السلبي يسيطر على نتيجة المباراة، التي تجمع الفريقين، في الجولة...

ظهرت المقالة تفاصيل مرور 25 دقيقة من مباراة مصر وموريتانيا أولاً على سعودي 24.

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البث المباشر مصر ضد موريتانيا تصفيات أمم أفريقيا

البث المباشر مصر ضد موريتانيا تصفيات أمم أفريقيا، إذ يخوض المنتخب المصري مباراته الثالثة أمام موريتانيا ضمن تصفيات أمم أفريقيا المقرر إقامتها في المغرب. ويهتم موقع سعودي 24 بتسليط الضوء...

ظهرت المقالة البث المباشر مصر ضد موريتانيا تصفيات أمم أفريقيا أولاً على سعودي 24.

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Car maker offering free tires to drivers after dangerous issue but you don’t have to be affected to claim a set

A LUXURY car brand is offering brand-new model-specific tires – if you’re lucky enough to own the ride in the first place.

The automaker partnered with Michelin to bring new life to million-dollar rides that were tarnished by a recall.

An elite group of drivers can get brand-new tires for free[/caption]
Porsche is giving away brand-new tires to drivers who own the Carrera GT[/caption]
All you have to do is put in an order with your nearest dealership[/caption]

The elite few who own a 20-year-old Carrera GT can book an appointment with their nearest dealership to get a brand-new set of wheels.

The tires are a model-specific version of the Pilot Sport Cup 2 designed to improve the 20-year-old car’s performance on wet and dry pavement.

Drivers lucky enough to test the tires are encouraging owners to take advantage of the giveaway, especially if they use the sports car for racing.

“It’s very unusual for new tires to be developed for a 20-year-old vehicle,” Joerg Bergmeister, a development driver and brand ambassador for Porsche, said.

“The improvements that the engineers were able to achieve in terms of feedback during spirited driving is impressive.”

The tires were designed to boost speed and short braking distances, which makes for an overall smoother driving experience.

“The new tires do not just make the Carrera GT faster, they also make it easier for the driver to pilot the car in a spirited manner,” said Bergmeister.

“The point at which the tire begins to break traction is very clearly communicated.”

Michelin used two rubber compounds in the thread to grip all surfaces better.

According to Michelin’s tire engineer Mathiew Greco, silica was put on the inner shoulder for optimal wet grip.

He said, “Meanwhile, the mixture at the outer shoulder and outer tread blocks of the tire is responsible for dry grip.

“Here, one of the most important ingredients is industrial soot.”

The automaker measured the new braking power and found the model’s braking distance from 62 mph could be reduced by up to eight feet.

How to get the free tires

DRIVERS luck enough to own a Porsche Carerra GT can now get free tires.

The brand partnered with Michelin to design model-specific wheels for the car.

The tires are optimized for driving on wet and drive pavement, helping the sportscars to zoom at higher speeds.

To get the tires, all you have to do is put in an order with your nearest dealership.

If you zoom at 124 mph, the braking distance will be shortened by up to 39 feet.

Drivers can get their new Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 tires by visiting their nearest Porsche Center and putting in an order.

Porsche AGs were produced from 2004 to 2006, and only 1,270 were produced.

The luxury brand abruptly pulled the plug on the model after it no longer abided by new airbag regulations.

Porsche offered the tire giveaway after recalling 489 Carrera GTs, one-third of its fleet, in April 2023 due to a suspension issue.

Replacement parts weren’t immediately available, so drivers were told to drive at their own risk until they saw signs of the issue popping up.

However, because of the car’s exclusive nature and price tag, Porsche offered alternative rides to these most valued customers.

About 129,000 drivers should also look up their VIN after a popular car was recalled.

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Royals Recap: Updates on Kate Middleton and King Charles’ cancer treatments, more

This week Kate Middleton makes her first public appearance after chemo. Plus, details on why King Charles is pausing his cancer treatment and Meghan Markel sizzles in a hot red dress at the Children’s Hospital LA gala. Watch the full video for the latest from the royal family in this week’s royals recap! Subscribe to our YouTube for...

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Huge Christian McCaffrey injury update and return date with San Francisco 49ers fearing RB may miss entire NFL season

THE San Francisco 49ers have had an injury update on superstar Christian McCaffrey.

The running back has yet to play during the 2024-25 NFL season.

Superstar running back Christian McCaffrey is suffering from an injury in both legs[/caption]
McCaffrey has yet to play in the 2024-25 season, in a huge blow to the 49ers[/caption]

It has been a major blow to the 49ers hopes of winning the Super Bowl.

His side have gone an inconsistent 3-3, but beat the Seattle Seahawks 36-24 on Thursday Night Football.

McCaffrey has had huge injury issues, suffering from bilateral Achilles tendonitis.

This means he is having problems in both legs.

He has even had to fly to Germany to see a specialist over the recurring problem.

But the 49ers have been given some good news on when the 28-year-old may return.

According to NFL insider Ian Rapoport, he is targeting a comeback in early November.

It would be a huge boost for Kyle Shanahan and his Brock Purdy-led offense.

Meanwhile, fellow NFL insider Albert Breer expanded on the situation.

“Going back to August, when he started to feel like himself again, they ramped him up toward the opener against the Jets,” Breer said.

“Ultimately, the Achilles flared up on him, so after the opener, they wound up shutting him down.

“He just started feeling like himself again last week, so they started to ramp him up over the last few days.

“The good news is that there’s been no flare ups.

“There’s been no setbacks. He feels good.

London calling

The New York Jets and Minnesota Vikings kick off the NFL's annual run of London fixtures.

New York and Minnesota face off at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on Sunday October 6 at 2.30pm local time – 9.30am ET for fans back home in America.

It is the first of three straight NFL Sundays that begin with an early game live from London.

The following week, Tottenham also plays host to the Jacksonville Jaguars against the Chicago Bears.

And on October 20, the Jags will head across town to Wembley Stadium to take on the New England Patriots.

“So, the Niners are optimistic about where he is, but this is a scary deal for him.

“He’s determined to play this year. I’d say the next two or three weeks are critical.”

McCaffrey is a three-time Pro-Bowler and the best running back in the NFL.

Last year, he had a league high 1,459 rushing yards and 14 touchdowns.

He also had 67 catches for 564 yards and seven touchdowns.

“We have to protect Christian from himself,” Shanahan said.

“He doesn’t like to ever come out no matter what the situation is.”

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