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Polícia apura origem da arma usada em ataque em escola de Heliópolis

O revólver, segundo a pasta, foi recolhido pelo Departamento de Polícia Técnica (DPT) e está passando por perícia, junto com munições e outros itens encontrados no local

O post Polícia apura origem da arma usada em ataque em escola de Heliópolis apareceu primeiro em Aratu On - Notícias da Bahia e dos baianos.

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Ministério Público garante ‘investigação rigorosa’ de ataque em escola em Heliópolis

Um adolescente de 14 anos, aluno da escola, disparou tiros contra três colega, no Colégio Municipal Dom Pedro I, localizado no povoado de Serra dos Correias, no município de Heliópolis

O post Ministério Público garante ‘investigação rigorosa’ de ataque em escola em Heliópolis apareceu primeiro em Aratu On - Notícias da Bahia e dos baianos.

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Hovde shines spotlight on Tammy Baldwin’s Wall Street partner during Wisconsin debate

The Republican candidate in Wisconsin, businessman Eric Hovde, took several opportunities during the only Senate debate between himself and Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., on Friday night to call her out for refusing to disclose her partner’s finances, calling it a conflict of interest.  “Her partner on Wall Street, a Wall Street executive, is investing in […]

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For Executives, ‘Defending Democracy’ Can Seem Risky

Republicans have spent months laying the groundwork to challenge a defeat of Donald Trump in the presidential election. During a fund-raising call organized by corporate lawyers in September, Douglas Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, asked for help if those efforts veer outside legal grounds. According to two people on the call, Emhoff […]

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London Film Festival Pulled Far-Right Doc At Eleventh Hour Over “Safety” Concerns

EXCLUSIVE: British filmmaker Havana Marking was set to debut her latest project Undercover: Exposing The Far Right, an undercover documentary about far-right communities in the UK, this evening at the London Film Festival.  However, the doc will now world premiere on Channel 4 on October 21 after the London Film Festival pulled the film from […]

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Archaeologists Find Throne and ‘Hall of the Braided Serpents’ in Peru

Archaeologists in Peru have excavated a monumental chamber featuring elaborate murals of snakes, and a pillared hall with a worn throne, which they say bears clues suggesting a powerful woman ruled there more than 1,300 years ago. The site, Pañamarca, was a religious and political center for the ancient Moche culture, which flourished for centuries […]

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2 Unexpected Books for Spooky Season

Dear readers, I don’t require a dedicated ghost-story season. To me, that would be like loving people only on Feb. 14, or pretending canned tomatoes don’t exist. Besides, as I understand it, ghosts don’t work on schedule. But in case you’re stricter than the undead and I, here are two less explicit examples of the […]

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Mexico: Navy seizes drugs worth more than $100 million in record drug bust

on Friday made its largest-ever drug bust, seizing 8.4 tonnes of unspecified drugs valued at more than 2 billion pesos ($100 million, €91.95 million). “This represents the largest quantity of drugs seized in a maritime operation, without precedent in the history of the institution,” the navy said in a statement. Authorities also arrested 23 people, […]

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Video appears to show North Korean soldiers gearing up for Ukraine war at a Russian military training base

A new video released by the Ukrainian government’s Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security appears to show North Korean soldiers at a Russian military base. The center said the footage shows North Korean troops “being outfitted in Russian gear” at Russia’s Sergievsky training ground “in preparation for deployment to Ukraine.” Exclusive – Newly obtained […]

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