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Cara Delahoyde Massey reveals clever way Nathan gets revenge on ‘thick’ trolls who ‘abuse their kids’ online

THE former Love Island star now turned podcaster has opened up about the bullying her family receives online.

Cara De La Hoyde Massey who shares Freddie George, and daughter Delilah with hubby Nathan Massey, whom she met on the show, opened up about the trolling on a recent podcast.

a family posing for a picture in front of a sign that says ' ice cream ' on it
Cara Delahoyde and Nathan Massey shared how they deal with online trolls
a man stands next to a pregnant woman sitting on a couch
The pair met on the hit TV show Love Island

The mum-of-two who hosts The School Runway with celeb stylist  Bronagh Meere spoke of what her hubby does to defend them from vile trolls online.

In the clip, the pair discussed a voicemail they received from a fan calling into the podcast.

They joked that for once it wasn’t horrible and Cara admitted that she and Nathan tend to laugh at the meanies.

She said: “Just send them to me because I find it so funny.

“I love it.”

Cara also admitted that protective dad Nathan and his sister won’t stand for any trolling when it comes to the two children they share.

She revealed they went to extreme lengths to find out trolls’ names, addresses and where they work.

“Do you know Nathan has rung people’s work places when they’ve abused our kids on TikTok,” she said

“He said ‘I’m just letting you know your employees abusing my children on the internet.”

Cara continued: “People are so thick man, they troll and then they go and have open Facebooks with all their information on.”

Bronagh, nervous about setting off any more trolls was quick to shut down the conversation but Cara assured her that her sister-in-law would get her covered.

Both Cara and Nathan have weathered the storm and had previously broken up before getting back together and marrying and having their children.

The Love Island star admitted to ‘spiralling’ after giving birth to her first child and ditching her glamorous Love Island life.

Cara and Nathan welcomed their first child, a son named Freddie, in 2017, not long after they won the show.

Is trolling illegal in the UK?

In the UK, trolling someone online can be illegal if it crosses certain boundaries.

The Malicious Communications Act 1988 and the Communications Act 2003 are two key pieces of legislation that can be applied to online behaviour, including trolling.

Under the Malicious Communications Act 1988, it is an offence to send electronic communications that are indecent, grossly offensive, or contain threats, with the intent to cause distress or anxiety to the recipient.

Similarly, Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 makes it an offence to send messages that are grossly offensive, indecent, obscene, or menacing through a public electronic communications network.

Penalties for these offences can include fines and imprisonment. Therefore, while not all trolling is illegal, if the behaviour involves threats, harassment, or grossly offensive content, it can indeed be subject to legal action in the UK.

“I felt quite lost for a while”, she said.

Cara said that she had to mute a lot of people on Instagram, as she felt upset seeing pictures of people all glammed up at events. However, she revealed that one day she had an “epiphany”.

“I thought, why am I trying to compete with all these people because that’s not where I am in my life”, she said.

“I’m now a mum, I’ve got a normal mum body and it took that change in my brain to realise that this is my life now and I should be happy.”

Cara said that this change in her way of thinking helped her to become much happier.

She said that it took a long time for her to get her head around being a mother, and the responsibility that comes with it but became much happier when she came to terms with it.

During the pregnancy she and Nathan split up for a while as Cara revealed she was unhappy after moving to Essex with Nathan and felt he didn’t understand her.

However, she said that this was the best thing that ever happened to them.

Cara felt that the baby had come to her for a reason, and was determined to keep the baby, even if it meant doing it alone.

But after a baby scan the pair ended up sleeping together, and decided to get back together in secret.

Since then, the couple haven’t looked back, and in 2019, they tied the knot and in 2020 they welcomed a daughter named Delilah.

Cara De La Hoyde's career timeline


“Love Island”: Cara De La Hoyde rose to fame when she appeared on the second season of the British reality show “Love Island.” She entered the villa on Day 1 and went on to win the series alongside Nathan Massey. The couple became fan favorites for their genuine connection and chemistry.

Post-“Love Island” (2016 onwards)

Public Appearances and Media: Following her win on “Love Island,” Cara made numerous public appearances, participated in interviews, and was featured in various magazines and media outlets. She capitalized on her newfound fame through brand endorsements and social media.


Relationship with Nathan Massey: Cara and Nathan Massey’s relationship continued after “Love Island,” though they experienced ups and downs. They briefly split in early 2017 but reconciled later that year.
Pregnancy Announcement: In May 2017, Cara announced that she was pregnant with Nathan Massey’s child, even though they were not together at the time.


Birth of First Child: Cara and Nathan welcomed their first child, a son named Freddie-George, in December 2017.
Television Appearances: Cara, along with Nathan, made various TV appearances, including on shows like “The Only Way Is Essex” (TOWIE), where they shared aspects of their personal lives.


Engagement: Nathan Massey proposed to Cara in July 2018, and the couple got engaged. They continued to share their journey as parents and partners on social media and in interviews.


Marriage: Cara and Nathan Massey got married in June 2019.
Second Pregnancy: In March 2020, the couple announced they were expecting their second child.
Birth of Second Child: Cara gave birth to their daughter, Delilah, in July 2020.

2021 and Beyond

Family Life: Cara has continued to focus on her family, sharing updates about her life as a mother and wife on social media.
Business Ventures: Cara has also ventured into various business opportunities, including collaborations with brands and launching her own products as well as a podcast.

Other Notable Appearances

Reality TV and Media: Cara has remained a popular figure in the UK reality TV scene. She and Nathan have appeared on various reality TV shows and specials, often discussing their relationship and parenthood.

Cara De La Hoyde’s career has primarily revolved around her reality TV fame, with significant milestones in her personal life contributing to her public persona.

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Family destroyed by a predator on a smartphone is a wake up call to protect our kids – parents must stop being clueless

SEEING a young child ­playing on a smartphone is a pretty common sight these days.

“They’re only playing games and sharing photos with their friends,” is a common refrain from many parents who are largely clueless to the huge dangers that lie within such a deceptively small device.

a man with a name tag that says veterans day
Cimarron Thomas, pictured with her father Ben, was left so ‘terrified’ and ‘distraught’ by a vile predator’s actions, she shot herself[/caption]
a girl in overalls is using a cell phone
Parents are largely clueless to the huge dangers that lie within such a deceptively small device[/caption]

Consequently, after years of warning their offspring about “stranger danger”, they hand over a gift-wrapped time-bomb that, without safeguards in place, potentially gives online criminals 24/7 access to their child.

One of those “strangers” could be a monster like 26-year-old “catfisher” Alexander McCartney.

The computer student from Northern Ireland pretended to be a young girl online and tricked around 70 children — some just ten years old — into sending him intimate photos via Snapchat and other social media platforms.

He then threatened to send the photos to their families unless they carried out “degrading and humiliating” acts.

One 12-year-old girl — Cimarron Thomas of West Virginia, US — was left so “terrified” and “distraught” by his vile actions that, in May 2018, she found her father’s handgun in the house and shot herself in the head.

She was found by her ­younger sister and, 18 months later, her father Ben, an army veteran, took his own life because he felt so ­guilt-stricken that she’d been able to access the firearm.

Just think about that for a moment.

A family destroyed by the actions of a complete stranger via a smartphone.

Ben died without knowing about McCartney’s role in his daughter’s death, which only came to light when police in Northern Ireland started investigating his online behaviour after a complaint from a girl in ­Scotland.

As well as pleading guilty to Cimarron’s manslaughter, McCartney, of Newry, County Armagh, has put his hands up to 184 counts involving online blackmail across Britain, ­Australia, New ­Zealand and the US and will be sentenced this week.

He’s been held on remand in Maghaberry Prison since 2019 and his continued incarceration will be no loss to society, but tragically it comes too late for Cimarron and the other victims he so callously hounded.

Smartphones are stitched into the fabric of our daily lives.

As adults, we shop on them, bank on them, stay in touch with old friends and keep our brains sharp playing word games on them.

So when it comes to our kids wanting a phone because all their peers are getting one, it’s difficult to hold out past the start of ­secondary school.

The device itself isn’t bad, but in the wrong hands it can be.

A year ago, the Online Safety Act became law here in the UK.

Websites and apps must now be built with children’s safety in mind, and tech companies have to legally ­protect them from harm.

It’s a minefield

But parents must try to take every precaution we possibly can to protect our children from its murkiest corners too.

Like an illness often gives you a symptom, so too will a troubled child.

They might become withdrawn or irrationally moody, and it’s a safe bet that the explanation (or even cause) will lie somewhere within their computer or smartphone.

It might be the school bully, who can now get at them 24/7, the “mean girls” deliberately excluding them from plans, the crush asking them for nude photos or, worst of all, a monster like McCartney ­blowing up their innocence.

Whatever it is, ask questions, encourage them to talk about it and, if needs be, install safeguarding software or ­confiscate the device until the matter is sorted.

It’s a minefield and I’m glad my own kids are now adults who know how to navigate it.

Liam – so much promise cut short

a group of people sitting on a couch with a cup that says lmc on it
I interviewed One Direction after the band announced they were taking a break[/caption]

SHORTLY after One Direction announced they were taking a break, I interviewed them along with my Loose Women colleague Andrea McLean.

The lads talked excitedly about their plans away from the ­relentless slog of band life, including spending more time with their families.

Liam laughed: “Bless her, my mum hasn’t stopped crying for the last five years . . . so she can finally stop crying now.”


Whatever happened in that Argentinian hotel room, it’s a desperately sad ending for such a promising young man, and my deepest sympathy goes to his mum Karen, dad Geoff, sisters Nicola and Ruth, and all those who loved him.

So glad I speak Oz too

a man is sitting on a throne with his arms outstretched
Ozzy Osbourne is one of the ­funniest and most refreshingly ­genuine ­people I’ve ever met[/caption]

OZZY OSBOURNE has been inducted in to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame for the second time.

Owing to mobility issues, he was wheeled on stage in a fittingly bat-shaped throne that lived up to his “Prince of ­Darkness” brand.

But behind the scenes, Ozzy is one of the ­funniest and most refreshingly ­genuine ­people I’ve ever met.

Back in 2013, I was asked to ghostwrite his wife Sharon’s auto- biography Unbreakable and had just one month to deliver it.

So I moved into her and Ozzy’s LA home, ­following Sharon’s every move and grabbing chats whenever I could.

My plan was to get up early each morning and write up the previous day’s notes, but trouble was, Ozzy rose early too and liked to talk – particularly as, having lived in ­Birmingham myself, I could ­actually understand his fond reminiscences of a ­fascinating life.

For two weeks solid, I was the only audience for a daily one-man show that would rival Billy ­Connolly.

So congratulations Ozzy – a truly “Great Brit” who might live in America but whose heart (and accent) lies firmly back in old Blighty.

Winnin' women

RETIRED engineer David Jakins has been cleared of accusations that he used a metal replica to win the World Conker ­Championship.

“I’m so relieved,” says the 82-year-old from ­Warmington, Northants.

“We are gentlemen at the World Conker ­Championships and we don’t cheat.”

So it’s official.

He’s the men’s champion.

However, when he came up against the women’s champion – American Kelci Banschbach – in the Grand Final, he lost.

As Rudyard Kipling wrote when describing the early Jesuit fathers preaching to Native American tribes in the 16th Century: “ ’Twas the women, not the ­warriors, turned those stark ­enthusiasts pale.

“For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.”

A down under blunder

a woman wearing a fur cape stands in front of a crowd
Australian senator and indigenous rights activist Lidia Thorpe has disgusted many Australians[/caption]

THERE’S always one, isn’t there?

Australian senator and indigenous rights activist Lidia Thorpe has disgusted many Australians with her embarrassingly juvenile and prolonged heckle at King Charles – a man who loves her country so much that he travelled 12,000 miles to visit it despite ongoing cancer treatment.

Shame on her.

No one is suggesting she shouldn’t have her say, but there’s a time and place, and this wasn’t it.

Senior Ngunnawal elder Aunty Violet Sheridan said: “she does not speak for me and my people” and called her a “one-off idiot”.

Meanwhile, one commentator has observed Ms Thorpe’s physical likeness to British “confessional” artist Tracey Emin.

Given Thorpe’s ­posturing in a fur cloak made from possum, Tracey Ermine seems more fitting.

Crisis is growing

NEW NHS guidance says that moving bodies can be a health and safety issue for mortuary staff due to the rise in “people with excess weight”.

The number of Brits now classed as severely overweight is 30 per cent – double the level for 1993.

In his fascinating book Unnatural Causes, ­former forensic ­pathologist Dr Richard Shepherd reflects on his long career of ­dissecting bodies in morgues.

He concludes: “Body fat has increased ­exponentially  . . . few are the same shape as the dead of the 1980s when I started practising. Looking back at ­forensic ­photos from that era, I am ­astonished at how thinness then was the norm.”

Indeed. But thanks to processed food, a ­takeaway culture and more sedentary ­lifestyles in front of screens, we are now a nation of fatties costing the NHS a ­fortune.

We all need to take ­personal ­responsibility for our health, eat less and move more.

RUMOUR has it that Sir Keir Starmer’s purge of historic portraits in Downing Street continues and he has now removed William Shakespeare from the wall.

Watch this space.

Is his benefactor Lord Alli sitting for a painting even as we speak?

KATIE PRICE has had so many facelifts that passport scanners no longer recognise her.

Meanwhile, the face ID on my phone sometimes fails to recognise my increasingly droopy features because I haven’t had a facelift.

Altogether now, “Sometimes it’s haaard to be a woman . . .”

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Katie Price reveals she dressed up as a clown with former Prime Minister during wild four day party in Italy

KATIE Price has revealed she once raided a dressing-up box at a party with Boris Johnson — with the pair emerging as clowns.

The model and TV star also revealed she can earn up to £30,000 a month through raunchy subscription platform, OnlyFans.

a man dressed as a clown holds a microphone next to a woman in a blue dress
Katie Price reveals she dressed up as a clown with former Prime Minister Boris Johnson during a wild four day party in Italy
a woman in a blue dress is standing in front of a aids foundation sign
Katie also denied rumours she flashed her boobs at the ex-PM[/caption]

In a podcast chat with Louis Theroux, Katie also denied rumours she flashed her boobs at ex-PM BoJo during the extravagant 2018 bash at newspaper tycoon Evgeny Lebvedev’s Italian mansion.

Mum-of-five Katie, 46, who flew there by private jet, said: “We were all having a drink and that.

“We were talking about how I’d either go to his or mine for a roast dinner with his missus (Boris’s ex wife Marina Wheeler).

“Evgeny had this dressing up room upstairs and loads of fancy dress clothes.

“Me and Boris went up and I think we both dressed as clowns.

“We was just all mucking about.”

Asked about the rumour she showed her boobs to Boris and other attendees including actress Joan Collins, Katie insisted: “That definitely didn’t happen.”

She then joked: “I think people have had enough of seeing my boobs.

“I mean, Google it and you can see them.”

Katie went to explain that because the room was filled with powerful people, everything and everyone were “all treated equally”.

Asked how much she makes from her OnlyFans account, she replied “loads” — but that it depends on what content she makes.

The star was first declared bankrupt in 2019, and for a second time this March — over an unpaid tax bill of £761,994.

In February the former Loose Women panelist was ordered to pay 40 per cent of her monthly income from OnlyFans until February 2027 to help pay her debts.

She said of the site: “I absolutely love it.

“It’s different.

“How much I earn depends what I do, what content I do, and when I can be bothered.

“I know that sounds awful.

“It can make loads.

“I mean, anyone.

“You can be someone who’s no one and make 30 grand a month.”

a man and a woman are posing for a picture with the caption watch the full episode here
Katie was a guest on Louis Theroux’s podcast
The Louis Theroux Podcast i

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I’m a mum-of-2 & viral Halloween ‘boo boxes’ are my worst nightmare come true – but my 11-year-old’s desperate for one

THE other day, I noticed my 11-year-old daughter Adriana was even more engrossed in her iPad than usual.

I always check what she’s watching, so I went over and peered over her shoulder.

two women are posing for a picture in front of a wall that says vanity
Julie Cook with her daughter Adriana, 11[/caption]
a person holding a trick or treat box with the name bethany on it
‘Boo boxes’ are a trend all over social media[/caption]
a variety of snacks including mister fresh tortilla chips
They are packed with Halloween goodies from sweets and chocolate to plastic bats and fake vampire teeth[/caption]
a box with a t-shirt that says hey boo on it
Cookies, chocolates and other spooky gifts can also be found inside[/caption]

I was met with a video of an American girl around her age, waxing lyrical and plucking items out of a large, orange pumpkin-shaped parcel.

“Here’s my bat, here’s my candy, here’s my wand,” she was saying, holding all her spooky items up to the camera.

I asked what on earth she was watching and Adriana rolled her eyes.

“Er, Mum . . .  boo boxes obviously,” she sighed.

“Boo boxes?” I asked, confused.

Like most Gen Z and Alpha trends, I learn about them from my daughter.

Every day there is a new phrase, language or meme I need to understand.

Now she explained that boo boxes are a trend all over social media — packed with Halloween goodies from sweets and chocolate to plastic bats and fake vampire teeth — a bit like a Christmas stocking, but in the form of a pumpkin-themed box, especially for Halloween.

And guess who’s responsible for putting together — and paying for — these boxes and parcels?

I sat and watched another video with her and was amazed to see older girls and even grown women talking about how their partner had gifted them a boo box.

All I could think was: “Yet another US trend coming across the pond that we really do not need.”

These were parcels ranging from simple, paper-covered boxes, to full on hampers bursting with expensive-looking treats including high-end skincare items.

“Is this big among your friends too?” I asked.

She nodded.

“Everyone’s talking about it. One friend’s mum is making her one,” she said.

Yes, us mums!

My heart sank as she fluttered her eyelashes to drop an almighty hint.

That night I looked for a few more online.

TikTok was the worst – some parents go all out to impress their kids with over-the-top boo boxes, complete with designer costumes, food and even jewellery.

I know it’s all a bit of fun but I despaired.

As a mum, there’s enough pressure to follow all the seasonal trends, from Christmas Eve boxes and stockings to matching PJs and Easter Egg hunts. And now this?

It’s simply putting more pressure on hard-up mums who are already saving for Christmas.

And the fact that so much of it is plastic “tat” that’s non-recyclable means it’s not great for the planet either. Cue more guilt.

But equally I don’t want my daughter to be the only one missing out if this really is the trend of the season.

Missing out

I decided to do a bit of research.

I tapped #boobaskets into TikTok and saw it had 72.8k posts.

One video entitled ”Boo basket for Bestie” had a staggering 2.7 million views.

This featured a package bursting with Halloween and autumn-inspired beauty products from premium brands.

Another YouTube video entitled “Boo Baskets Sibling Gift Exchange” had 996k views.

This video featured ten kids buying items for each other’s boo boxes, including basics like toothpaste and skincare products, but also sweets, chocolates and witch-shaped bubble gum, as well as pyjamas and hair scrunchies.

Watching this just made me feel exasperated and exhausted — not just at the exorbitant cost, but also at the sheer amount of time wasted gathering all this stuff together and packaging it up, when Christmas comes just a few weeks later.

Can’t these kids wait a few more weeks for their presents?

One bloke on YouTube, “Paulboy”, takes us with him as he reluctantly builds a boo basket for his girlfriend, filling it with a pair of New Balance trainers, matching socks, fancy shampoo, Primark pyjamas and a whole host of spooky-themed accessories.

His caption read: “Mrs said to make her a boo basket lol load of rubbish I do it anyway”.

And herein lies the problem, we all know it’s a marketing con, but often we buy into it regardless.

As a mum, there’s enough pressure to follow all the seasonal trends, from Christmas Eve boxes and stockings to matching PJs and Easter Egg hunts. And now this?

Julie Cook

If this is the next big thing, are we bad mums if we don’t follow?

I asked one mum friend what she thought. She rolled her eyes with exhaustion.

“No way,” she cried.

“Halloween is stressful enough without having to sort this out as well.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Everything about this time of year until Christmas is stress, stress, stress — from the mad dash to find a Halloween outfit, to Bonfire Night and then on to Christmas plays and presents.

Why does there have to be yet another trend we mums have to contend with?

Excuse for spending

Not only does this make it a contest among mums, it also means that kids who don’t get boo boxes might feel hard done by.

What about kids who get very little for Christmas anyway?

Now they will feel left out at Halloween, too.

But another more crafty and artsy mum thought they were a great idea.

“I’m going to make my girls a boo basket each,” she said.

“I’m doing it all myself with bits I’m getting from Amazon or the pound shop.

“It’s virtually costing nothing — and they’ll love it.”

So as Halloween fast approaches, I’m feeling torn between sticking to my guns and going out and quickly hashing together a boo basket.

But like many stressed mums, I find the Halloween season scary enough without yet another excuse for more spending.

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EuroMillions results and numbers: National Lottery draw tonight, October 22

THE draw for tonight’s National Lottery EuroMillions (October 22, 2024) has taken place, with life-changing cash prizes at stake.

Check the results to see if you have just won a fortune and bagged enough to start that jet-set lifestyle you always dreamed of.

a close up of a euromillions lottery ticket
Have you got the winning EuroMillions ticket?

Every EuroMillions ticket also bags you an automatic entry into the UK Millionaire Maker, which guarantees at least one player will pocket £1million in every draw.

You can find out if you’re a winner by checking your ticket against tonight’s numbers below.

Tonight’s National Lottery EuroMillions winning numbers are: 03, 13, 27, 30, 46 and the Lucky Stars are: 01, 02.

The UK Millionaire Maker Selection winners are: ZFDM17741.

Tonight’s National Lottery Thunderball winning numbers are: 14, 23, 27, 32, 33 and the Thunderball is 05.


  1. £1.308 billion (Powerball) on January 13 2016 in the US, for which three winning tickets were sold, remains history’s biggest lottery prize
  2. £1.267 billion (Mega Million) a winner from South Carolina took their time to come forward to claim their prize in March 2019 not long before the April deadline
  3. £633.76 million (Powerball draw) from a winner from Wisconsin
  4. £625.76 million (Powerball)  Mavis L. Wanczyk of Chicopee, Massachusetts claimed the jackpot in August 2017
  5. £575.53 million (Powerball)  A lucky pair of winners scooped the jackpot in Iowa and New York in October 2018

The first EuroMillions draw took place on February 7, 2004, by three organisations: France’s Française des Jeux, Loterías y Apuestas del Estado in Spain and the Camelot in the UK.

One of the UK’s biggest prizes was up for grabs on December, 4, 2020 with a whopping £175million EuroMillions jackpot, which would make a winner richer than Adele.

Another previous UK winner who’s whole life was altered with their jackpot was a player who wanted to remain anonymous on October 8, 2019. They walked off with a cool £170,221,000.

Colin and Chris Weir, from Largs in Scotland, netted a huge £161,653,000 in the July 12, 2011.

Adrian and Gillian Bayford, from Haverhill, Suffolk, picked up £148,656,000 after they played the draw on August, 10, 2012, while Jane Park became Britain’s youngest lottery winner when she scooped up £1 million in 2013.

The odds of winning any EuroMillions prize are 1 in 13.

Could tonight’s jackpot of £51million see you handing in your notice and swapping the daily commute for slurping champagne on a super yacht or lying back on a private beach in the Bahamas?

EuroMillions tickets comes with an automatic entry into the UK Million Maker too
EuroMillions tickets come with an automatic entry into the UK Million Maker too

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Arsenal ‘battling Chelsea and Barcelona for shock Jhon Duran transfer’ with ’40 clubs’ chasing £75million striker

ASTON VILLA striker Jhon Duran is reportedly attracting interest from some of Europe’s top clubs.

The 20-year-old has enjoyed a stellar campaign so far at Villa Park.

a soccer player wearing a betano jersey stands with his hands on his hips
Arsenal and Barcelona are among the clubs interested in Jhon Duran[/caption]
a man with his tongue out wearing a maroon adidas jersey
Aston Villa want £75m for the striker[/caption]

In 11 appearances so far this season, Duran has scored six goals – one of which fired Villa to a huge Champions League win over Bundesliga giants Bayern Munich.

He is now one of the most sought-after young players in Europe.

According to AS Colombia, Arsenal, Barcelona and Chelsea are among FORTY clubs interested in signing the forward.

But he will not be allowed to leave Aston Villa for anything less than £75million.

Duran, who joined Unai Emery‘s side from Chicago Fire in January 2023, is under contract at Villa Park until June 2030 having penned a new deal earlier this month.

Villa striker Ollie Watkins has also been linked with a move to Arsenal in the past.

The Gunners are understood to be in the market for a new striker amid doubts surrounding the future of Gabriel Jesus.

They held a strong interest in RB Leipzig frontman Benjamin Sesko in the early stages of the summer transfer window.


However, he instead signed a contract extension with the German side.

Alexander Isak, Dusan Vlahovic, Victor Osimhen and Viktor Gyokeres have also been linked.

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Craig Revel Horwood fuels Pete Wicks ‘feud’ as he doubles down on call to disqualify him over ‘illegal’ move

STRICTLY Come Dancing judge Craig Revel Horwood has added fuel to his feud with Pete Wicks.

The 59-year-old shocked viewers over the weekend when he called for the reality star to be disqualified over an illegal move – and he’s not backing down.

a couple dancing on a stage with bbc written on the bottom
Craig Revel Horwood called out Pete and Jowita’s illegal move
a man in a red tuxedo sits at a table with a bbc logo behind him
The head judge was furious on Saturday night

Asked if he still stood by his comments, Craig insisted:  “Of course.”

Speaking last night at the Pride of Britain, he continued: “That will never happen though, will it?

“I don’t think we’ve ever really disqualified anyone, but at least we can mark them down if they do do something illegal, so that’s sort of my point.”

On Saturday night Pete and Jowita Przystal performed a romantic rumba to the Oasis classic Don’t Look Back in Anger.

The routine came under fire after they performed an “illegal” lift that saw Pete carry and spin Jowita across the dancefloor.

According to Craig, the rules state that, in a rumba, one foot must remain on the ground at all times.

He told the pair: “And as for the lifts, that is totally illegal. There were two lifts, one foot should remain on the floor at all times.

“Of course, it’s up to the professional if they want to lose marks for that,” he continued.

“And of course, you’ll be marked down for that, and I think even a disqualification darling.”

The remark prompted the studio audience to loudly boo him, with the fellow judges looking shocked as well.

Undeterred, Craig – who gave them just four points –  added: “I have an issue with that, because I think you should follow the rules.”

Despite Craig’s concerns, the public helped keep the couple in and it was JB Gill and Paul Merson who found themselves in the bottom two.

Former footballer Paul, who was paired with Karen Hauer, ended up getting the boot.

a man with a tattoo on his arm is standing next to a woman
Pete and Jowita were saved by the public
a man in a sequined jacket stands on a purple carpet
Craig stood by his comments as he spoke last night[/caption]

Strictly 2024 pairings

Here's who is matched with who this series...

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تأمين الشاحنات

تأمين الشاحنات، هل تمتلك شاحنة تجارية؟ هل فكرت يوماً بالمخاطر التي قد تتعرض لها أثناء استخدامه؟ سواء كانت الشاحنة تستخدم لنقل البضائع أو المعدات أو لأي غرض تجاري آخر،… تَأمين...

ظهرت المقالة تأمين الشاحنات أولاً على سعودي 24.

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هل مكافأة الطالب تحسب في حساب المواطن ام لا

هل مكافأة الطالب تحسب في حساب المواطن، قررت المملكة العربية السعودية تقديم العديد من خدماتها بشكل إلكتروني ورقمي، وذلك في إطار تسهيل الوصول إليها وتوفير الوقت والجهد. وعليه فقد أعلن...

ظهرت المقالة هل مكافأة الطالب تحسب في حساب المواطن ام لا أولاً على سعودي 24.

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زيادة المرتبات للقطاعين العام والخاص والمعاشات

زيادة مرتبات القطاعين العام والخاص ،أكد مجدي البدوي نائب رئيس الاتحاد العام لنقابات عمال مصر ورئيس النقابة العامة للعاملين في الصحافة والطباعة والإعلام. أن الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي يتابع كل...

ظهرت المقالة زيادة المرتبات للقطاعين العام والخاص والمعاشات أولاً على سعودي 24.

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