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بيمة تأمين اجتماعي |المميزات وخطوات الحصول على ارخص وثيقة تامين 2024

 الحصول على ارخص وثيقة تامين، تعتبر خدمة التأمين الاجتماعي ركيزة أساسية للحماية الاجتماعية. حيث تهدف إلى توفير الحماية والرعاية للمواطنين في مختلف جوانب حياتهم. وهو أيضاً نظام قائم على التكافل...

ظهرت المقالة بيمة تأمين اجتماعي |المميزات وخطوات الحصول على ارخص وثيقة تامين 2024 أولاً على سعودي 24.

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من هو اللواء حسن محمود رشاد رئيس المخابرات العامة الجديد؟

 اللواء حسن محمود رشاد ، هو رئيس المخابرات العامة الجديد وتم تعيين اللوَاء حَسن مَحمود رشاد رئيس المخابرات العامة المصرية اللواء  خلفاً للواء عباس كامل رئيس جهاز المخابرات المصرية الأسبق....

ظهرت المقالة من هو اللواء حسن محمود رشاد رئيس المخابرات العامة الجديد؟ أولاً على سعودي 24.

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ظهرت المقالة أفضل عروض عمل في تركيا لعام 2024: فرص لا تفوتها! أولاً على سعودي 24.

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الجوازات توضح حقيقة إلغاء رسوم المرافقين في السعودية و الفئات المستبعدة

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ظهرت المقالة الجوازات توضح حقيقة إلغاء رسوم المرافقين في السعودية و الفئات المستبعدة أولاً على سعودي 24.

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الداخلية السعودية تعلن تمديد فترة سداد المخالفات المرورية بـ 50% ولمدة 6 أشهر إضافية

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كيف اعرف رقم المحفظة البنك العربي /اسهل 3 خطوات الاستعلام عن رقم محفظة البنك العربي arab-bank-wallet-number

 رقم المحفظة البنك العربي، من أهم الأسئلة التي تطرح على عملاء البنوك. فلنتعرف معنا على كيفية الحصول عليه وكيف فتح محفظة في البنك العربي وكيفية تحديث محفظة البنك العربي وأيضا...

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Best Digital Marketing Agencies in Bristol UK (Top 10) 2024

Hi friends, Welcome here let’s know about which agencies is good and best for digital marketing in Bristol (Best Digital Marketing Agencies in Bristol) (Top 10 Digital Marketing Company in Bristol ) – SEO Agency in Bristol 2024 or social media agency Bristol – ppc agency Bristol. Firstly we need to know about digital marketing ... Read more

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‘Do the crime, do the time’ – Shaun Murphy makes feelings clear on match-fixer Stephen Lee’s potential snooker return

SHAUN MURPHY has given his take on the potential return of match-fixing snooker star Stephen Lee.

Englishman Lee, 50, was handed a 12-year ban in 2012 after being found guilty of seven match-fixing charges.

Shaun Murphy has made his feelings clear about Stephen Lee’s potential return
a man holding a pool cue with chinese writing on his vest
Stephen Lee was found guilty of seven match-fixing charges

That suspension has now been served and Lee is yet to confirm whether he will attempt a comeback.

Murphy is unsure the former world No5 will return to the game due to money he owes snooker’s governing body.

However, The Magician was also quick to insist he has no issue with Lee given he has served his ban.

Speaking on the OneFourSeven podcast, Murphy said: “I don’t think so[he will return]. Not until he pays his fines that are outstanding to the WPBSA and the legal costs and all the rest of it.

“But, you know, we live in a society where you do the crime, you do the time, and everyone is entitled to a second chance aren’t they?

“He was an incredible player with a Rolls-Royce cue action and just a great guy off the table. I never had a cross word with him.

“He was a beautiful player to watch, a winner. He beat me in the final of the 2006 Welsh Open and won many, many ranking events.”

Murphy also urged people to put the betting scandal aside if Lee, who still reportedly has to pay a six-figure sum in fines, was to return to snooker.

He added: “I can’t believe how quickly those 12 years have gone. I’m sure Stephen Lee doesn’t think they’ve been quick and he’s been through some trauma away from the table.

“It’s been a difficult time for him, I’m absolutely certain of that, but his path back to the tour isn’t obstacle-free. He has over six figures in fines and costs to pay before he can even think about returning to the sport.

“So he did the crime, he’s served his 12 years, and if he pays the money he owes, he’ll be free to come back to try his hand at the game. And let’s put all of that aside, we’re talking about someone who was a wonderful snooker player.”

Lee’s career titles include the Scottish Open, Welsh Open and Players Tour Championship Finals.

His best run at the world championships came in 2003 when he reached the semi-finals before losing to Mark Williams.

He also made it to the final of the 2008 Masters, before he lost 10-3 to Mark Selby.

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