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أشياء تفرح برج السرطان الرجل والأنثى

أشياء تفرح برج السرطان، الأمور التي تسعد رجال ونساء برج السرطان هي من أكثر المواضيع التي يهتم بها أصحاب برج السرطان أو الأشخاص الذين يكون شريك حياتهم برج السرطان. وتعتبر...

ظهرت المقالة أشياء تفرح برج السرطان الرجل والأنثى أولاً على سعودي 24.

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افضل+100 أسماء الكلاب الجديدة للبنات

 أسماء الكلاب الجديدة للبنات، ومن بين ما يود البعض رؤيته هو أفضل أسماء الكلاب الجديدة للفتيات، لأن هناك الكثير من الأفراد يمتلكون كلابًا ولكن لا يعرفون ماذا يطلقون عليها، كما...

ظهرت المقالة افضل+100 أسماء الكلاب الجديدة للبنات أولاً على سعودي 24.

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Can I take Ozempic if I’m not overweight or obese? I just want to slim down before Christmas

FLU season may feel a little far off, but preparation starts now.

If you haven’t booked in your vaccine, this is your sign to do so!

a woman wearing an orange shirt with a stethoscope around her neck
Olivia West
Sun columnist Dr Zoe advises readers on their health[/caption]

Flu jabs are free on the NHS if you’re over 65, pregnant, have certain health conditions or if you’re a healthcare worker, carer or live with someone who is immunocompromised.

Two and three-year-olds can get the flu nasal spray vaccine.

Booking takes just minutes.

Use the NHS app, call your GP, or 119 free, or go online to services/pharmacies/book-flu- vaccination.

Technically, flu season starts in December but infection rates start to rise this month.

Why bother getting a jab?

Well, flu is not just a bad cold, it causes a more severe illness.

While most people will recover after a week or two, for those identified as “at risk” it can be worse, fatal in some cases.

In the past two winters, both mild,18,000 deaths were associated with flu.

If you are not eligible for a free flu vaccine, one at a pharmacy costs from £12.

Here’s a selection of what readers have asked this week . . .


Q) I HAD my last period at age 58 and at almost 74, I’m still having hot flushes.

I had been on HRT for four years previously when I was perimenopausal.

One GP told me it could go on until I’m 100 and another told me to “just live with it”.

But they’re really difficult to live with. I recently went away for a few days and the weather was lovely and warm but I was uncomfortable, to say the least.

Can you recommend what, if anything, I can do?

A) It sounds like you’re having a hard time at the moment and I’m sorry to hear that.

It’s always important to ensure that hot flushes aren’t just put down to and assumed to be the menopause.

Other things must be ruled out, especially if at the age of 74 they are new or getting worse.

There are plenty of other conditions which can cause hot flushes such as thyroid disorders, some infections and certain types of cancer as well.

So please make sure your GP investigates if necessary.

If you’re wondering about starting HRT again then there are a few things to think about.

Whatever your age, it is important to understand and be able to assess the risks versus benefit of treatment.

That equation does change as we get older, making the risks of taking HRT more significant as we age.

That’s not to say you absolutely can’t take it, but it is not commonly started in women above the age of 60, or if they are more than ten years past menopause.

It would be worth asking if there is a GP or nurse at the practice who has a special interest in menopause and if not, you may need to be referred to a menopause specialist if you do want to explore HRT further.

Of course there are non-hormonal treatments that can treat hot flushes too, including some antidepressant medications, gabapentin and, just last year, a new drug called fezolinetant was licensed in the UK for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms – however, it is currently licensed for those up to age 65.


Q) IS it safe for people who are not overweight to use Ozempic?

A) Ozempic is not licensed as a treatment for obesity or weight loss in the UK and should only be prescribed for diabetes.

a person is using a panasonic insulin pen
Is it safe for people who are not overweight to use Ozempic?[/caption]

Wegovy, which contains the same drug, semaglutide, is licensed for weight loss.

Mounjaro is a slightly newer, similar drug which is also licensed for treating obesity.

These types of injectable medications work to help people lose weight, predominantly by suppressing appetite.

The causes of obesity are complex, with genetics being one of the major factors.

Our genes partly determine how much we need to eat before we feel full and play a part in how our brain responds to food cues, so a highly responsive person will feel the urge to eat more often on any given day.

With the changes to the world over the past few decades, with bigger portion sizes, calorie-dense foods and food cues everywhere we turn, it’s easy to see why some people, due to their genetics, find it difficult to remain a healthy weight more than others.

So one way to look at these drugs is that they level the playing field.

For people who are genetically predisposed to being more hungry, the medication makes their urge to eat more aligned to that of a person who finds it easy to stay slim.

In terms of safety, no medication is without any risk and the balance against benefits is different for each individual, but are more likely to lean towards being beneficial for people who have severe obesity, especially if they have related health issues.

For people of a healthy weight, or who carry excess weight but remain metabolically healthy, it’s much more likely that the risks outweigh any benefit.

Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, gallstones and diarrhoea.

Less common, but more severe side effects include acute pancreatitis.

So in a nutshell, the simple answer to your question is no.

Tip of the week

SEASONAL affective disorder is when shorter days – and as a result, less daylight – can lead people to suffer from mood changes, fatigue, and depression.

If you have had a persistently low mood and are struggling to cope, please see your GP who can help.

Q) MY son is 17 and has got some spots on his back and shoulders and I’m not sure what it could be.

A) Thank you for the picture, below, which shows the classic signs of acne, a common skin condition.

a close up of a person 's back with red spots
A reader whose son suffers with spots on his back and shoulders writes into Dr Zoe

Both blackheads and whiteheads can occur with acne and it can range from a few spots on the face, neck, back and chest, to something more problematic, with solid painful lumps under the skin which may cause scarring.

Acne usually starts during puberty but can come at any point and most of us will experience it at some point.

It’s caused by lots of different factors – sebaceous (oil-producing) glands are found near the surface of the skin and they’re affected by our hormones.

In acne, the glands are sensitive and can produce too much oil.

At the same time, dead skin cells build up and block the pores, leading to blackheads and whiteheads.

Fortunately, there are lots of treatments – your son could try going to your local pharmacist first and requesting some over-the-counter medications that don’t require a prescription such as benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid.

Could you help him with applying this to the skin?

It could be several months before changes are seen so it’s worth persevering with whatever treatment you start with.

Often people stop using treatments after the first few days because they can cause some mild increase in redness, dryness and irritation at first.

But as long as the symptoms are mild you should continue, or use on intermittent days until the skin gets used to it.

Alongside any treatment it’s important to follow some simple lifestyle rules too – don’t wash more than twice a day or use strong soaps as this can strip the natural oils from the skin and make the sebaceous glands work even harder to produce more.

Moisturise using a fragrance-free water-based emollient and try to avoid picking spots.

If over-the-counter medications don’t work, your GP can prescribe something.

Options include antibiotic or retinoid topical treatments applied directly to the skin, oral antibiotics, or oral contraceptive pills in females.

Dermatologists can prescribe isotretinoin capsules (Roaccutane) which is highly effective but it’s important to understand the potential side effects on mental and sexual health.


WE are wolfing down giant portions of food without even realising, experts have warned.

More than a third of us never think about how the size of a serving can affect the waistline, and regularly eat way too much pasta, rice, cheese and cereal to be healthy, research by MyFitnessPal found.

a boy sitting on a couch eating a slice of pizza
Obesity levels have more than tripled in the UK since 1994[/caption]

Obesity levels here have more than tripled since 1994, with an estimated 26 per cent of people now in the category, according to the British Obesity Society.

But 77 per cent say they feel uncomfortably full after meals and two-thirds are going back for seconds.

One in five eat so quickly that they don’t realise they are full, with four in ten eating in front of the TV.

Only half of those surveyed checked packets for serving size suggestions.

It all means half of us are eating double the NHS-recommended portion of pasta (75g, one handful) and rice (75g, one and a half handfuls).

Half of us fill a cereal bowl to the top at breakfast time, instead of adhering to the recommended 40g.

A third of the survey participants said they have no grasp on what the recommended portion size for a meal should be.

MyFitnessPal head of nutrition Melissa Jaeger said: “By paying more attention to portion sizes and using a nutrition tracking app, we can make more informed choices that better support our health goals.”


THOUGH modern medicine continues to evolve rapidly, increases in life expectancy have stalled, a study suggests.

Average life expectancy almost doubled over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries, but the rate of increase has dramatically slowed in the past 30 years, according to Chicago-based research.

Life expectancy at birth in the world’s longest-living populations has increased by only an average of six and a half years since 1990, according to the analysis of the longest-living countries in the world, reported in the journal Nature Aging.

The researchers say ageing and its complications are now the main obstacle to a longer life.

But aiming to extend life by reducing age-related disease could be harmful, if those additional years aren’t healthy, they maintain.

Lead author Professor Jay Olshansky said: “Most people alive today at older ages are living on time that was manufactured by medicine.

“But these medical Band-Aids are producing fewer extra years of life even though they’re occurring at an accelerated pace, implying that the period of rapid increases in life expectancy is now over.

“We should now shift our focus to efforts that slow ageing and extend ‘healthspan’.”

Some scientists had predicted that life expectancy would continue to improve over the 21st century thanks to advances in medicine and public health.

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Diablo 4 boss reveals why game is ‘best it’s ever been’ with ‘two game’ rule – plus tip for rare Vessel of Hatred mount

DIABLO 4 was one of 2023’s best-loved games – and it’s now the “best it’s ever been” thanks to a massive new upgrade.

That’s according to the hellishly more-ish game’s top boss Rod Fergusson, who spoke to The Sun about Diablo’s new Vessel of Hatred expansion.

a group of warriors are standing next to each other
Activision Blizzard
Diablo 4 is getting a major upgrade with the Vessel of Hatred expansion[/caption]
a man stands with his arms crossed in front of a red letter d
Activision Blizzard
Diablo General Manager Rod Fergusson spoke to The Sun about the new update[/caption]

Vessel of Hatred is out on Tuesday, October 8, and massively expands the existing Diablo 4 role-playing game.

You get a brand new class, loads of fresh content and, perhaps mostly importantly, an enormous area to explore called Nahantu.

“We wanted to bring another region in of the world of Sanctuary,” Rod, Diablo’s General Manager, told The Sun.

“Because most of Diablo 4 takes place on what we call the Eastern Continent.


“And so there’s still some land at the bottom of that, plus there’s all of the whole Western Continent.

“There’s two sort of inspirations. One was we wanted to have something that was very different.

“When you think of Diablo 4, you think of medieval Gothic, Eastern European kind of sensibilities. And so our art director John Mueller was really interested in saying what could we do from a contrast perspective?

“What could we do that would provide more colour, but also just a variety.

“And so going to this ancient jungle was seen as one of the things we could do.”


In Vessel of Hatred, you’ll be exploring Nahantu to find Neyrelle, an adventurer who is looking for a way to destroy Mephisto – the prime evil, currently trapped inside a soulstone.

And you’ll be able to go on this journey as a brand new class called Spiritborn.

Rod says that the idea was to do something totally different and against the usual type of Diablo class.

“Everybody has this sort of like: If I was in a fantasy world, I would be a wizard, or I would be a barbarian, or I would be a druid or necromancer. That king of thing,” Rod told The Sun.

“And so the Spiritborn is kind of unique in that way. I don’t think kids are running around the playground going: “I’m gonna be a Spiritborn.”

a painting of a forest with a waterfall in the background
Activision Blizzard
There’s a new region to explore called Nahantu[/caption]

Activision Blizzard, which makes the Diablo games (as well as World of Warcraft and Overwatch), describes the Spiritborn as the “apex predator” of the Nahantu jungle.

And Rod says the playstyle is very different from what Diablo players are used to.

“What we ended up with is a very adaptable class, which is very fast,” Rod explained.

“It’s like a spiritual monk that has these casting abilities, but also these martial arts abilities.

And then you have the gorilla – it’s probably one of my favourite ultimates.

Rod FergussonDiablo General Manager, Blizzard

“And because of those four spirit guardians, you can mix and go deep on one – or you can mix-and-match two at a time.

“And that really lets you make your own class. So that was one of the fun things about it.”

He added: “We wanted to have a class that came from that area because it meant it felt good as a package.

“Like hey, there’s a new region with a new story and this class is from that region. It felt really good.”

Part of the Spiritborn’s playstyle involves using different spirit guardians to your advantage.

There are four that you can make use of, each with different perks.

“There’s the speed of the jaguar that’s sort of fire-based. And the way that it attacks and its ultimate is so cool – when you bring in the spirit guardian of the large jaguar that just eats up everybody in the battlefield,” Rod told us.

“And then you have the gorilla – it’s probably one of my favourite ultimates, because when you cast it, it comes in and just smashes the ground and destroys everything around you.

a man with a leopard mask on his face
Activision Blizzard
Spiritborn is the new Diablo 4 class coming in Vessel of Hatred[/caption]

“And the centipede is cool because it comes out and does this beam of poison that sort of dissolves everybody.

“And then the eagle comes in and just electrifies the ground and explodes them.”


Part of Blizzard’s challenge will be convincing people who haven’t played Diablo 4 (or maybe any Diablo game) to pick it up for the new expansion.

It’s available on Windows PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and via Steam, but that’s not a guarantee that it’ll be widely snapped up.

Rod says Diablo 4’s appeal is that it’s basically two games in one – and that split can appeal to lots of different players.

“Diablo is sort of two games in a way,” the Diablo chief explained.

“There’s the campaign game or the story part of it – some people come in, just play the story, and they have a great time. And that’s what they want to play.

“But there’s this other side of it, which is called the 100-hour game.


There are some special bonus treats that you can unlock just by watching people play Diablo 4...

Yes, Blizzard has teamed up with Twitch for some special Twitch Drops.

Starting from October 8, 10am California time (1pm New York, 6pm London), you can watch Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred to earn rewads.

Link your account with your Twitch account then watch dedicated Streamers in the Diablo 4 category.

In week 1, you can earn Sorcerer and Necromancer cosmetic items.

In week 2, you can earn Barbarian items, followed by Rogue in week 3.

And week 4 gets you Druid cosmetics.

If you gift two Twitch subscriptions, you’ll be able to get the Ghost of the Conquered Mount.

And if you gift four subscriptions, you’ll bag the Glory of the Victor Mount Armor, seen above.

a close up of a woman looking at a blue object
Activision Blizzard
You’ll be following Neyrelle, who is in possession of prime evil Mephisto – trapped inside a soulstone[/caption]

“The notion of: I want to play the story and get immersed in the world. But then once I’ve done that, I want to still continue to progress my character.

“I still want to get more and more powerful. I still want to test my strength. I’m gonna optimise it to be even stronger.

“So when you think about that as part of a live service, you’re always trying to add enriching ways to continue that 100-hour game.”


For players that do want to dive into the 100-hour game, there’s a new mode called The Dark Citadel.

It’s the best that Diablo has ever been.

Rod FergussonDiablo General Manager, Blizzard

It’s a multiplayer dungeon experience that requires teamwork and – unusually for Diablo – can only be enjoyed in a group.

“The Dark Citadel is meant for really that end-game player. The player that has gotten maybe to max level, which is level 60,” Rod said.

“Once you get there, it’s multiplayer player-against-the-dungeon.

“But you work together as a team of at least two up to four.

“You go through and there’s mechanics that require you to work together. Like: I’m sending you down to kill everything on that floor so I can do this thing up top.

“It’s the first time in Diablo’s 28-year history we’ve done a multiplayer dungeon of that kind.

“So we’re excited to see as people complete the expansion story and get into the end-game and be able to play in The Dark Citadel.”

There’s also the return of Diablo’s classic Mercenaries feature, which might help classic players get back on board.

a dark castle with a red light coming out of the center
Activision Blizzard
New end-game content includes The Dark Citadel, a multiplayer-only dungeon experience[/caption]

“Mercenaries is something you first saw in Diablo 2. They became Followers in Diablo 3,” Rod explained.

“We know Mercenaries are popular, and so we wanted to bring Mercenaries back but have a Diablo 4 twist on it.

“So now they come back with their own skill trees. When you work with them, you build rapport so you can trade with them.”

Rod thinks that there’s basically something for everyone – new or old.

And the reviews for the early version of the game have been very positive, with The Sun’s own Diablo 4 review saying that Vessel of Hatred “improves on an already very good base game”.

Rod said: “Right now – because of season six, which is the season that launches with the expansion – it’s the best that Diablo has ever been.

“So if you’ve haven’t played Diablo 4 before, this is a great time to get in there.

“You can play the whole main campaign as the Spiritborn if you want to try the new class with the original story.

“Or you can go jump right into the expansion if you want to.”

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I was left with $100k repair bill after raccoons invaded my home – insurance won’t cover damage due to clause in policy

A FAMILY of raccoons have left one family with a major mess to clean up – and a $100,000 repair bill.

The trash pandas that broke into Alice and David Zaslavsky’s home managed to poop and pee everywhere, chew through wiring, and traumatize the couple’s nine-year-old daughter before they were eventually removed.

Raccoons have cost a family $100,000 in home repairs[/caption]
The family’s insurance company reportedly won’t cover the repairs [FILE IMAGE][/caption]
The couple found a family of raccoons living in their attic[/caption]

But the crafty critters’ dramatic rampage through the Zaslavsky’s $1.2 million home in Brooklyn, New York, was only the beginning of their woes.

Now the family face at least a month’s worth of repairs to their three-bedroom home and, what’s worse, their insurance company won’t foot the bill.

Insurer AmGuard reportedly told the couple they won’t cover the damage wrought by the creatures because of a little-known rule in their policy.

“We have this tiny little clause in our homeowner’s insurance that says they do not clean up wildlife secretions which they deem toxic,” Alice told The New York Post in an interview.

That includes raccoon poo.

The Zaslavsky’s claim the raccoons were living in a derelict property two doors down from their row house in Kensington after the city slapped a stop-work order on them two years ago.

After the building was left in a state of disrepair by the owners, an exterminator found that the flea-covered animals were entering the Zaslavsky’s house through their neighbor’s property.

According to a Brooklyn Supreme Court lawsuit, one night, the couple were woken up by “a raccoon hanging down from one of the access panels pushed open by the raccoons.”

Their unwelcome houseguests chewed through the new HVAC ductwork and new electric wiring, ate the insulation, and stained the ceiling with their feces.

The lawsuit was filed in September 2023 and settled the following month.

Alice and David say the constant smell of toxic animal feces and the knowledge that wild animals were living above their heads gave them PTSD.

After a lengthy legal battle that cost the family $30,000 in fees, the judge ruled their neighbor had to close any access points.

But the Zaslavskys still ended up having to pay $1,000 for an exterminator.

The exterminator caught five baby raccoons and their mother in the attic crawl space of the two-story home and released them back into the wild on Long Island.

Now the Zaslavskys face having to leave their home while the repairs are completed.

“We can’t do the repairs until insurance agrees to pay,” Alice said. “We don’t have $100,000 liquid to foot the bill.

The U.S. Sun has approached AmGuard for comment.

According to the Humane Society of the United States, the most common signs that raccoons might be on your property include noises from the roof, signs of droppings, and tracks.

The best ways to prevent raccoons from invading your home include cutting off their potential food supply.

That means keeping trash cans and compost bins securely fastened, attaching raccoon repellents to the lids, and installing motion-activated lights to keep them at bay.

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Best Buy is selling ‘perfect’ $630 Robot Vacuum in 48-hour sale and it’s now 44% cheaper

SHOPPERS at Best Buy can get the ideal vacuum for their residences at an affordable price this week.

It’s part of a limited-time deal, leaving only 48 hours to snatch up the gadget before it’s too late.

Best Buy has slashed the price on a popular robot vacuum and mop[/caption]
Best Buy
The gadget (pictured) is selling for hundreds of dollars below its original listing[/caption]

Robot vacuums are remotely controlled miniature devices, typically no larger than 12.5 inches, that clean within a defined space that customers give it.

Most work on carpet, tile, hardwoods, and vinyl and retail for a few hundred to even a bit more than one thousand dollars.

Some popular brands you may have heard of include iRobot and its Roomba line, among others.

Best Buy’s bObsweep UltraVision Self-Empty Robot Vacuum & Mop in Carbon Steel is currently listed for $630 on Best Buy’s website.

With its original listing of $1,129, that’s a whopping 44% discount.

Shoppers who act swiftly and are in the market for a robot vacuum could potentially save at least $499.

Users also get several unique benefits with the bObsweep, which weighs about six pounds.

Physically included is the robot vacuum itself and a 180-day six-liter extra large dust bag with “activated charcoal filtration,” per the product description.

That’s where the bObsweep will empty after it’s done cleaning.

Attached to the robot vacuum is low-height object-aware technology, so it won’t run into any shoes, couches, tables, etc.

It also comes with an easy setup through users’ phones with an “intuitive app” with a color spectrum coordinator to show the robot vacuum exactly where you want it to clean.


This is made possible through bObsweep’s “QSLAM Precise Mapping with Real-Time Computing.”

Using the app and the tech, areas can be marked off as “NoSweep” and “NoMop” zones for easy boundaries.

There are also “Quick Clean Zones” that can be added for sudden accidental messes.

Best Buy's Return Policy

Most products

  • Can be returned within 15 days
  • Can be retuned within 60 days for My Best Buy Plus and My Best Buy Total members

Activatable devices (cell phones, cellular tablets, mobile hotspots, and cellular wearables)

  • Can only be returned within 14 days

For wet mopping when needed, customers can choose between three levels depending on the extent to which they want to go.

They include low (mostly dust), medium (standard mopping), and high (for a deep scrub).

A cleaning history is also provided in the app and includes snapshots of the areas that the bObsweep covered in users’ homes.

Some Best Buy customers have been praising the product.

“I just bought it a few days ago, but it seems to work very efficiently and intelligently,” someone wrote.


Aside from sweet deals, Best Buy made waves among customers last month with the confirmation of more store closures.

CEO Corie Barry said 10 to 15 locations would shutter by the end of this year, with another potential 25 by the end of 2025.

The effort was made as part of Best Buy’s mission to “strike a balance between its workforce and consumer interest,” Barry noted during an earnings call.

It also cited struggles with inflation rates, supply chain issues, and changes in consumer habits over the past few years.

Best Buy stores in California, Colorado, Ohio, Minnesota, Missouri, and Virginia have already closed down this year.

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Luke Littler crashes OUT of World Grand Prix Darts in thrilling tie after falling to Rob Cross

LUKE LITTLER couldn’t watch as Rob Cross sent him crashing out of the World Grand Prix. 

The 17-year-old turned away from the board as his practice buddy hit the bullseye to KO him 2-1 on his debut in Leicester.

a man wearing a shirt that says target on it
Luke Littler has crashed out of the World Grand Prix[/caption]

‘The Nuke’ never looked in red-hot form and lost the opening set because of poor doubles despite hitting four sizzling 180s. 

Littler levelled it up in sets but in the decider Cross needed 88 to finish the job and sealed it with a perfect bullseye. 

It was only a third win at the GP for Cross after seven previous appearances. 

The teen sensation has now lost in his opening match of both the last major trophies after losing to Michael van Gerwen in the Matchplay in July. 

World No.4 ‘Voltage’ said: “He’s on the crest of a wave still and playing brilliantly all year. He’s picked up trophies regularly. He’s a phenomenon. 

“The boy is absolutely mustard which makes it a big result for me. I’ve been shocking in this tournament in the past but my double-starts were brilliant tonight. 

“Luke has been different class all year and has beaten me more and he’ll be back, that’s for sure.

“This is a great win and well overdue in the Grand Prix. But it’s up to me to keep it going. This win means nothing unless I get on a decent run and go all the way.”

Luke Humphries came back from the dead to keep his World Grand Prix defence alive. 

The World Champ was staring defeat in the face as Stephen Bunting missed a match dart to whitewash him with six successive legs. 

However ‘Cool Hand’ hit double nine to survive and came back to win 2-1 in a thriller. 

Meanwhile, Cross faces Martin Schindler next.

Other World Grand Prix results in Round 1

  • Josh Rock 0-2 Ryan Joyce  View post
  • Brendan Dolan 0-2 Martin Schindler 
  • Jonny Clayton 2-0 Ritchie Edhouse
  • Nathan Aspinall 2-1 Ryan Searle 
  • Raymond van Barneveld 1-2 Ricardo Pietreczko
  • Luke Humphries 2-1 Stephen Bunting 


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Dak Prescott in record ‘that’ll never to be seen again’ after unwanted feat in Steelers game across two different days

DALLAS Cowboys star quarterback Dak Prescott led his team to a Sunday Night Football victory, but he was on the wrong side of history.

The NFL Pro Bowler was part of an unusual feat in two different days as he also guided Dallas to a primetime 20-17 victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers in Week 5.

Dallas Cowboys star signal-caller Dak Prescott threw an interception on two separate days during the team’s Sunday Night Football win over the Pittsburgh Steelers[/caption]
Prescott walks off the field during the fourth quarter of the Sunday victory[/caption]

Before the Sunday night game, a thunderstorm hit Pittsburgh which caused the contest to be delayed.

The originally scheduled start time of 8:20 pm Eastern was pushed to a start time of 9:45 pm.

Prescott finished the contest with 352 passing yards and two touchdowns along with two interceptions.

The Cowboys star’s first touchdown and interception took place on Sunday.

Due to the weather delay, Prescott’s second interception happened in the early hours of Monday.

He became the first quarterback to throw an interception on two different days of the same game week, causing fans to say he achieved a record “that’ll never be seen again.”

Fortunately for Prescott, he was on the right side of history in the touchdown department.

He also threw a touchdown pass on two different days in the same game – the first to ever accomplish that feat.

Prescott’s first touchdown came early in the fourth quarter which gave Dallas the lead.

The second score was the game-winner with 20 seconds remaining.

Prescott finished the night by completing 29 of 42 passes for 352 yards, two touchdowns, and two interceptions.

He also had a fumble and his second interception almost cost the Cowboys the victory.

The first interception was also not in the vicinity of his intended target, CeeDee Lamb, and was placed into the arms of cornerback Donte Jackson.

Prescott’s pass caused Lamb to seem disappointed and was seen mouthing words to his quarterback.

Prescott waves to the crowd after defeating the Steelers at Acrisure Stadium[/caption]

The pass was nowhere near the star wideout and landed right in the arms of cornerback Donte Jackson.

The game ended close to 1 am which was the longest day of NFL football in history.

Still, Dallas improved to 3-2 for the season while the Steelers now have the same record.

The Cowboys will face the Detroit Lions in Week 6.

And Pittsburgh will take on the Las Vegas Raiders next Sunday.

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Victoria Beckham, 50, wows as she poses in skimpy body suit in amazing new images

VICTORIA Beckham looks heaven scent in publicity pics for her new fragrance.

She laid back in the sand in a wet-look body suit to launch 21:50 Rêverie.

a woman in a black bodysuit is laying on the floor
Victoria Beckham looks heaven scent in publicity pics for her new fragrance
Steven Klein/Victoria Beckham Beauty
a woman laying in the sand with her arms outstretched
She laid back in the sand in a wet-look body suit to launch 21:50 Rêverie
Steven Klein/Victoria Beckham Beauty

The perfume is the latest evoking special memories for the mum of four.

Victoria, 50, says that she tried to capture a 2001 romantic dinner date with husband David in Bali.

The promo shots were taken by US photographer Steven Klein.

Victoria said: “To me, he makes women look like superheroes.”

David and Victoria have purchased a stunning new £60million ($80m) Miami mansion.

The 14,270-square-foot property overlooks the Biscayne Bay in Florida.

According to the Real Deal, the Beckhams have bought the newly-built nine-bedroom estate on Miami Beach.

Built in 2018, the mansion comes with a range of stunning features across the site.

Amongst them are nine bathrooms, four half-bathrooms and a chef’s kitchen.

a man with a tattoo on his arm that says ' i love you '
Victoria says that she tried to capture a 2001 romantic dinner date with husband David in Bali
a woman in a white suit stands in front of a stone wall
The couple have purchased a stunning new £60million ($80m) Miami mansion[/caption]

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