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My sister is pregnant and I am now having sex with her boyfriend – it’s all I can think about

DEAR DEIDRE:  MY sister’s boyfriend seduced me and I’m completely smitten.

We’ve been hooking up for sex at least twice a week and our next “date” is all that I am able to think about.

I was hoping they would split up and in time he and I would be able to go public with our relationship — but my sister just announced she’s pregnant.

She’s so excited, and boasting about her pregnancy to anyone who will listen — but meanwhile I feel nothing but fury.

Her boyfriend had even told me  he wished we had got together first.

I’m 27, my sister and her boyfriend are both 29.

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I met him first, when I was working for a  high-street fashion store. He caught my eye and I went home raving to my sister that I’d met the love of my life.

Still, when we bumped into him on a night out, she acted like she couldn’t remember that I liked him.

She was all over him and they kissed right in front of me. I was so miffed but she  simply dismissed me, saying they have unstoppable chemistry.

They started dating and it was nauseating seeing them constantly entwined on the sofa.

Secretly, I was delighted when they started bickering about the amount of time they did or did not spend together.

My sister started to talk about dumping him, as she was so fed up.

That’s when I ran into him in the garage one day and  got the sense he was flirting with me.

That afternoon he started to message me and our exchanges quickly became intense.

I knew it was wrong when I accepted his invitation for a drink at his flat, but this is a man I’d lusted after for over two years.

I gave in and it was amazing. We’ve had four amazing months together and now my sister has ruined it all.

Since her big announcement, he’s started to distance himself.

I can’t think straight and feel like such a fool.



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DEIDRE SAYS: You are not thinking straight.

This man is set to be the father of your sister’s child, your niece or nephew, so please put an end to your affair or you risk causing lasting damage within your family.

This has gone beyond the standard sibling rivalry and it’s time to draw a line under this.

It doesn’t matter “who fancied him first”, he was in a relationship with your sister so you shouldn’t have gone anywhere near him.

Ask yourself, do you really want to be with a man who is prepared to play both of you off each other?

My support pack Your Lover Not Free will help you see this fling for what it is.

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