Mangal Lakshmi the Colors television show produced by Panorama Entertainment has seen a fabulous run in the last year. Launched on 27 February 2024, the show has had a consistently growing graph. The show now stands as the top-rated show on Colors, with its TRP hovering around the 1.8 and 1.9 TVR mark. The show has been threatening the big-gun shows of entering the 2 TVR league. The show stars Naman Shaw, Deepika Singh, Sshubham Dipta and Sanika Gaikwad.
Today, 11 January, marks the one year shoot of Mangal Lakshmi. Naman Shaw’s cute post tells that this day, last year, the show had gone on floor with the launch happening in February 2024.
Naman in his post puts up pictures of Deepika Singh and him, and recollects the first day shoot for the show.
He writes on social media,
The Journey … this day, last year was our first day of shoot for #mangalaxmi #oneyear #blessings #colors
Deepika Singh who is the lead protagonist in the show, replies instantly, congratulating her co-star and also being grateful to the audience.
Her reply reads like this
Wao… congratulations to us . Big Thank you to all of you bcz of you all we are able to experience this day. I’m grateful to each one of you .
Courtesy: Instagram
We contacted Naman and he shares his thoughts on this amazing achievement with an upward graph that the show has seen saying, “It’s a great feeling. I couldn’t have asked for a better comeback on TV. The show is No 1 on Colors since couple of months and it’s doing extremely well, specially at these times when shows are shutting in two months, we are going strong. So many people are messaging me and coming up to me when I go to public places. It reminds me of my good old TV days when I was doing popular shows like Kasamh Se and Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhii Bahu Thi.”
Truly, this is an amazing journey that Mangal Lakshmi has seen and we wish the show many more achievements!!