free website hit counter Nicola King threatens Tom King with the police as she discovers his disturbing secret in Emmerdale – Netvamo

Nicola King threatens Tom King with the police as she discovers his disturbing secret in Emmerdale

NICOLA King started becoming suspicious of her evil nephew-in-law Tom after she noticed her son start behaving differently around him.

The Emmerdale villain has been causing havoc in his attempt to ruin his ex wife’s life once and for all.

a woman sits at a table with a laptop on it

Nicola King becomes concerned about her son when she notices he is on edge around Tom[/caption]

a woman standing next to a boy with her arm around his shoulder

The mum tries to convince Carl to tell her what Tom did to shake the boy up[/caption]

a man in a blue jacket is talking to another man

The situation escalates when she confronts Tom to his face[/caption]

Tom King abused Belle Dingle physically and emotionally after they got married, but when she finally snapped and defended herself from one of Tom’s violent attacks with an axe, she was the one who ended up in trouble with the law.

So far Tom has managed to keep his family members in the dark about his twisted treatment of Belle, but he got close to getting caught when Carl Holliday got ahold of his iPad.

Knowing the device had proof of his abuse on it, Tom went to great lengths to get it back from Carl.

He then smashed it up with a rock as the young boy watched from a hiding place, terrified.

Tom offered Carl a remote-controlled car in exchange for keeping quiet about the existence of the iPad.

But in upcoming episodes, Carl’s mum will begin to notice that her boy seems disturbed by something.

She starts to question him about what has him acting out of character, but the child soon clams up when Tom turns up during their conversation.

Nicola becomes even more suspicious when she notices Carl has thrown the toy car Tom gave him in the bin.

She goes back to her son to ask why the little vehicle has been tossed and manages to get a bit more information out of him, but it is clear that Carl is scared.

Nicola speaks to Jimmy about the situation and starts grilling Tom on his recent behaviour.

The situation quickly escalates and she threatens to call the cops on him – but will there be any evidence of his abusive nature with the iPad gone?

Is it possible that Nicola’s accusations could put her and Carl in harm’s way as well as Belle?

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