NORTH SIOUX CITY, S.D. (KELO) – It’s been over two months since the June flood at McCook Lake deemed over a dozen homes a total loss. Since then there have been non-stop clean-up efforts.
Dennis Johnson lost his home on Northshore Drive on McCook Lake during the flooding in June.
Now nearly 10 weeks later, he’s dealing with the aftermath saying people with FEMA pointed out hazardous materials lying around.
“Just happened to see some pipes there this weekend and found out they are asbestos water pipes that are broken alongside of the road,” Johnson said. “I brought that to the city’s attention so we’re hoping they do something with that.”
We reached out to the interim administrator for the City of North Sioux City, Andrew Nilges, who gave us this statement: “The City is aware and is actively working with FEMA to remove the pipes in the appropriate manner.”
Johnson who has lived on McCook Lake for 13 years, says the community hopes the pipes are an isolated incident.
“So we’re urging the city to hopefully take action on that. We don’t know how many other issues like that are out there. So just getting answers to that and having some leadership really strategically attack some of those things for the community is going to be critical moving forward,” Johnson said.
This is the first week FEMA has been in the area.
“The unfortunate thing is it just started on week ten. This should have been week one or week two things and just local and state government for whatever reason. I don’t have that answer. That’s a question every citizen has today,” Johnson said.
Renae Hansen, a community member and caretaker of the McCook Lake Izaak Walton League, says she hopes their city’s natural disaster will help create more relief programs on the state level.
“We are across the river from Iowa and we were hit at the same time as the disaster hit Iowa at the same time as it hit us. Iowa had money in their accounts within two weeks,” Hansen said. “Iowa has 100 different programs to help with natural disasters. South Dakota doesn’t. That’s what needs to happen.”
As of Thursday FEMA 647 approved applications with South Dakotans receiving $3.7 million in FEMA funding.
We reached out to North Sioux City with additional questions you can read their responses below. The city’s responses are in italics.
- Are McCook Lake residents living in the city limits of North Sioux City? If not, what is the city’s responsibility to those people? Yes, the McCook Lake area which was impacted is within the city limits of North Sioux City.
- If a community member has concerns about something in the city, should they reach out to North Sioux City or Union County? Absolutely. If a resident of North Sioux City has concerns about something in the city, they are welcome to contact City Hall so the City can address their concerns. Concerns which fall within Union County’s jurisdiction should be directed to the County.
- Someone was upset about the lack of communication between the city and residents about dangerous/hazardous conditions still in the area. What does the communication totem pole look like when asking/relaying information? The City has been actively working to provide timely information throughout the flood event. The City has made information available through regular updates on its website and social media account, public meetings, media briefings, information at City Hall, and more. The City’s top priority throughout this event has been to keep people alive and safe. Fortunately, there have been no deaths or known major injuries throughout the event.
- Has the city council/mayor ever dealt with the aftermath of a natural disaster like the June flood? What has the experience been like? This 1,000-year flood event was one of an unprecedented nature. The City expresses its sincerest empathy for those impacted and is doing everything possible to preserve lives and safety, rebuild critical infrastructure, and support impacted residents.
It is not necessary to go to a center to apply for FEMA assistance. Impacted individuals located within Union County can go online to, call 800-621-3362 or use the FEMA mobile app to apply.