free website hit counter Silver Point Capital verkauft Gulfport Energy-Aktien im Wert of US$79.5 million from – Netvamo

Silver Point Capital verkauft Gulfport Energy-Aktien im Wert of US$79.5 million from

In a recent Transaction, Silver Point Capital LP, a significant shareholder of Gulfport Energy Corp (NASDAQ:GPOR), has sold a substantial part of its Beteiligung an dem Unternehmen. The sale, which took place on January 13, included 429,253 Gulfport Energy common shares at a price of 185.22 US dollars per share, which was equivalent to about 79.5 million US dollars. The stock, currently quoted at 192.58 US dollars, has shown remarkable strength with a return of 56.85% in the past year. According to InvestingPro’s analysis, the stock is above its fair value, with the analyst’s price target between 170 and 246 US dollars.

After this transaction, Silver Point Capital’s share of Gulfport Energy is 2,681,309 shares. The business comes under direct properties that are selected. Silver Point Capital functions together with its hundred-percentage subsidiary companies as Investment Manager for several funds, which can be used as economic owners of participating securities. InvestingPro-Subscribers have access to 12 additional important findings about GPOR’s assessment and financial health that help investors make decisions.

Edward A. Mule and Robert J. O’Shea, both directors and beneficial owners, and Members of Silver Point Capital Management, LLC. Sie können auch as wirtschaftliche Eietunger der von den Fonds unter Silver Points Verwaltung gehaltenen Wertpapiere gelten. Sie lehnen jedoch jegliches wirtschaftliches Egendom über ihre financial interests hinaus ab.

The transaction is authorized by Steven Weiser, under the names of Silver Point Capital and as responsible for Edward A. Mule and Robert J. O’Shea.

In other recent announcements, Gulfport Energy has demonstrated strong financial Leistung and strategic Wachstum i jüngsten Entwicklungen. Der Bericht zum dritten Quartal des Unternehmens seigte ene significant Übertreffung der Oelproduktion, geschäften due to einer starken Leistung im Utica-Kondensatfenster. Dies ging einher mit einem positiven Cashflow-Überschuss und einer 4%igen Reduzierung der prognostizierten Kapitalausgaben für das Fiscalanal 2024. Gulfport Energy has a shareholding of 1 billion US Dollars and buys own shares for 50 million US Dollars.

Analysts with BofA Securities, KeyBanc Capital Markets and JPMorgan all have updated forecasts for Gulfport Energy. BofA Securities put Gulfport Energy at Neutral auf Kaufen hoch und erhöhte das Kursziel auf 227 US Dollar. KeyBanc Capital Markets has a target price of US$205 and an overweight rating of US$205, below the JPM target of US$173, lowered with an overweight rating.

Gulfport Energy was also active in the share buyback. Das Unternehmen schloss eine Vereinbarung zum Rückkauf von 79,410 Aktien mit einem Abschlag von 2.25% as Teil seines laufenden 1 Milliarde US-Dollar schweren Stammaktien-Rückkaufprogramms ab. Diese Entscheidung spiegelt das Vertrauen des Management in Gulfport’s Wertangebot more broadly.

Desse jüngsten Entwicklungen unterstreichen Gulfport’s strong financial health and engagement for strategic growth, in particular in der Produktion von Hochmargigen Flüssigkeiten. Laut Analysts of KeyBanc and JPMorgan are the companies’ good positioning.

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